Double Double Operative Trouble

Rules Questions

Scenario: 4th level Wisdom 10 Operative (Operatives Edge +2) with Jack of All Trades (double Operatives Edge bonus on untrained skills) and Alien Archive (double Operatives Edge when making knowledge checks to identify creatures) makes an untrained mysticism check to identify some weird monster. Barring other modifiers, do they roll at:

+4, no stacking.

+6, double double is triple.

+8, double double is quadruple.

The only clear reference I can find to double doubling is on 257, regarding movement, where if movement costs are doubled twice, each space counts as 4.

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Typically, each double only affects the base number each time it's doubles, so double double should be triple.

Enhancement bonuses don't stack. You typically take the higher of the bonuses. It would only double once.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

There is no enhancement bonus involved. Both exploits double the insight bonus of operatives edge. Still no stacking, though.

I’d say each provides a doubled (+4) insight bonus, which don’t stack. You get +4.

Garretmander wrote:
Typically, each double only affects the base number each time it's doubles, so double double should be triple.

I know that heuristic from other games, but I don't see it anywhere here.

Magyar5 wrote:

Enhancement bonuses don't stack. You typically take the higher of the bonuses. It would only double once.


None of these are listed as enhancement bonuses.

I know that for damage, a double double is a triple. I believe that's called out in the critical hit rule section. But I can't recall seeing it for non-damage things.

And, correct, I don't believe they're enhancement bonuses, I believe they are insight bonuses. Which also don't stack with each other.

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Pantshandshake wrote:

I know that for damage, a double double is a triple. I believe that's called out in the critical hit rule section. But I can't recall seeing it for non-damage things.

And, correct, I don't believe they're enhancement bonuses, I believe they are insight bonuses. Which also don't stack with each other.

If we're saying the doubling is itself a bonus, it has no type listed. The operative's edge bonus itself is certainly insight, but clearly it can be modified.

Good idea looking for the critical hit section. That used the word "multiplying" which got me to try searching that.

CRB p.242: OTHER RULE TERMS wrote:

Multiplying More Than Once:

When you are asked to multiply a value or roll more than once, the multipliers (×2, ×3, and so on) are not multiplied by one another. Instead, you combine them into a single multiplier, with each extra
multiple adding 1 less than its value to the first multiple.

For example, if you apply a ×2 multiplier twice, the result is equivalent to multiplying the value by 3 (or rolling the damage three times), not multiplying it by 4.

So that actually seems pretty definitive at +6 (double twice is triple)

I guess the movement costs are the specific beating general, since they do compound.

Well, instead of just assuming I knew what I was talking about, I went and looked things up instead. I think +6 is correct as well, now.

Exactly, they aren't separately applying an insight bonus, they are separately multiplying that insight bonus. So triple should be correct.

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