Upcoming Hellboy movie in 2019


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This might just cover Storm/Fury arcs from the comics and I hope we get the awesome metal handing over of the sword.

Their actor choice is so spot on.

Liberty's Edge

First Trailer

Looks fun.

Sovereign Court

At first I was meh, but now that I know David Harbour is the lead i'm in. Ian McShane doesnt hurt either.

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New Hellboy trailer

Scarab Sages

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I'm currently working my way through the Hellboy Omnibus Volume 3, which (according to the back cover), is where the story for this movie is adapted from.

In fact, first hearing about this movie is what made me realized I had never (for some unknowable reason) read any Hellboy comics. That has now been, and continues to be, rectified.

Scarab Sages

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Just got back from seeing this movie. I thought it was pretty good. Not as much humor as the Ron Perlman movies, but I think the slightly darker tone worked.

Just as an FYI - if you go see it, there is a mid-credits scene, as well as an end-credits scene.

I'm still waiting to see if the dragon blows up Big Ben...

It is getting savaged in reviews

So was the dragon as I understand it...

Scarab Sages

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Yeah, that's why I never listen to reviews. I know I enjoyed it, and that's enough for me.

Sovereign Court

This is undoubtedly the worst film I'll see all year.

I dunno, Velvet Buzzsaw was pretty lame...

Awful. Simply awful.

Violence was overtooled for the R-rating, plot was a complete mess, dialogue was choppy, way too many info-dump monologues and flashbacks. There were some fun moments in it (the giant fight) but across the board it was just incredibly choppy.

Wish they'd made the third Ron Perlman film.

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I think everyone wishes they had made a third Ron Perlman/Del Toro Hellboy.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Won't lie... the line delivery in the trailers steered me well away from it.

Sounded too juvenile, too histrionic... Hellboy at his best has always had a sort of combination of exasperation (which this one certainly seems to have) and world-weariness (which was absent from what the marketing geeks showed us).

Moreover... not sure Hellboy was crying out for an R-rating when the comics actually elide a lot of the most horrible stuff, and where the fact that Hellboy's verbiage usually maxes out as a resigned, "ah crud" or an angry "screw you!" is part of his charm...

That's a shame. I was really hoping to like this. And the trailers seemed to be hitting some good notes plotwise, even if the delivery and mood seemed a bit off.

Oh well. Back to the comics for me. Hellboy's back with the BPRD for grand finale!

I have read the final issues and well.....

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