The Fighter Is / Isn't Intimidating?


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The opening section of the Fighter tells us that "during social encounters, [the Fighter] can be an intimidating presence". Taking a look at everything the Fighter gets, there are exactly two things the Fighter can do to actually be intimidating: Intimidating Strike (which is not something particularly applicable to a social encounter) and putting his skill training improvements in Intimidation (which is something that anyone can do, and therefore isn't something special that the Fighter class is contributing to the character, and furthermore wasn't even possible prior to the removal of signature skills, at least not beyond Expert).

Compare that to the Barbarian's similar fluff and his Raging Intimidation which lets the Barb auto-gain Intimidating Glare which can be used socially, and it strikes me that the Fighter class isn't actually selling what it's advertising in the social arena.

I read a post somewhere saying that classes were all getting more page count, meaning more options/class feats. I'm hoping that's the case and that some of those options (across all the classes) let the classes perform as advertised in all the modes of play. But until then, I wanted to make sure this issue got raised.

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