Thoughts on the Addictive Flaw for Consumable Magic Items


Shadow Lodge

So, during our last game my players tried to brew a potion of remove disease to help cure the many sick friends inside their camp. We used the Dynamic Item Creation rules and though they succeeded, the potion was flawed and had the Addictive flaw. After handling, the Witch and the Medium immediately became addicted like Golum to the 1 ring and are now going through withdraw effects.

Now, my question is, does this addiction extend to ALL potions of Remove Disease now, or is it meant to just apply to the single potion they generated and have now expended?

I know by the base rules the dynamic item creation rules are not meant to be applied to items like scrolls & potions, but examples of single use consumable items exist throughout the many other categories of magic items that can be made under the Dynamic Magic Item Creation System such as feather tokens or even wands make this point a little moot mechanically.

But here I am at a bit of a loss for how to proceed. With many of the above items having an addiction there feels like it is singular, attached to that specific item even if it is consumable. But on potions it feels more narratively correct to have it be an issue that's spread out across all of the potions that share its type (barring some special exemption) that the PCs will have to struggle with.

So what do you people think? Does it "feel" correct to have the addiction extend to the rest of the potions that match it or is it something that should stay singular? If singular, how do you keep up the impact and narrative punch that is addiction while mechanically knowing it can never come back up?

Interested to hear your thoughts and get some feedback, I have my own thoughts but for now I'm going to hold them back a bit and see what others might have to say.

Ideally, one thinks these things through ahead of time, and decide that perhaps some flaws won't work with some items, so you make sure that they don't exist in the first place. That you have to reroll things that don't fix is part of the system.

I would probably just have them go through withdrawal/detox until cured since the thing doesn't exist anymore.

Shadow Lodge

Dave Justus wrote:

Ideally, one thinks these things through ahead of time, and decide that perhaps some flaws won't work with some items, so you make sure that they don't exist in the first place. That you have to reroll things that don't fix is part of the system.

I would probably just have them go through withdrawal/detox until cured since the thing doesn't exist anymore.

Eh but that feels like a cop out. The interesting part is this opportunity for narrative. Like, what happens when a PC is addicted to a life saving substance and must about it if at all possible? It feels like an interesting narrative that is rife with opportunity to tell not only interesting stories, but very current stories. It feels like something my group can get a lot out of if done well.

Has anyone here ever run a game where addiction is an issue at the table?

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