A Question about Goblin Dex score application

Rules Questions

Hey Humans, so under ability scores for pathfinder it says,"Each ability, after changes made because of race, has a modifier ranging from –5 to +5." But the goblin has a +4 to dex. the reason I bring this up is that I have created a Goblin to play and rolled an 18 and wanted to make it me dex (18+4=22(+6)). this is the only race from my knowledge that doesn't fit the -5 to +5. So time for the question, is it allowed to add the goblin's +4 dex racial score to an 18 to get a 22 dex at lvl 1? I didn't see it a place where it said that I couldn't but I curious.

Well when this was written, a score of 20 (so +5) was the maximum possible score for a PC's Race. This got thrown out of the window when the +4 to a Stat became a possibility, such as the Goblin's case.

You have 2 options.

1) Abide by it and a) max out your Dexterity at 20 or b) have a Dexterity of 22, but max out the modifier to +5, or;
2) Ignore this obsolete passage and a Stat of 22 gives you a +6 modifier.

Andre Roy wrote:

Well when this was written, a score of 20 (so +5) was the maximum possible score for a PC's Race. This got thrown out of the window when the +4 to a Stat became a possibility, such as the Goblin's case.

You have 2 options.

1) Abide by it and a) max out your Dexterity at 20 or b) have a Dexterity of 22, but max out the modifier to +5, or;
2) Ignore this obsolete passage and a Stat of 22 gives you a +6 modifier.

you make a fair point, thanks!

Orcs have a strength bonus of +4, so goblins are definitely not the only race for which this question comes up.

Also, this is definitely the wrong forum for this thread.

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