Far Strike Monk Build Advice


I had an idea to build a monk specializing in throwing clubs, shuriken, daggers, javelins, alchemical splash weapons, or other similar cheap weapons I can apply disposable weapon and splintering weapon if needed for instant confirm crit and 1d4 bleed as long as my weapons have the fragile quality (make them from cheaper primitive materials). This also grants me DR options.

I chose empyreal sorcerer for positive damage bolts vs low level incorporeal, and buff spells (plus wands for no UMD).

Race is suli, for elemental strikes a few times a day with my thrown weapons.

The trouble is Monk gets few feats, and I am subject to AOO's for throwing. Close quarters thrower would help, but I would need 2 feats extra on top of an already packed feat tax for throwing (Precise, Point blank, far shot, Martial focus [Thrown]), and incremental assault for the Suli ability.

Is there a faster way of bringing this build online? Or at the very least avoid AOO's while throwing regular and alchemical weapons?

What's with the empyreal sorcerer - are you multiclassing or using gestalt? If the former, how much?

Remember that monk bonus feats don't require prerequisites so you can leave those until later, or even not get them at all. Also you get a couple more fixed feats as a far strike monk.

Ignoring the possibility that you're going to self-nerf via sorcerer levels, your suli monk might get feats like these:

L1: Dodge
Monk 1: Precise shot (bonus), improved unarmed strike, quick draw (fixed)
Monk 2: Far shot (bonus)
L3: Weapon focus (chakram), or for whatever weapon you like most
Monk 4: Shot on the run (fixed)
L5: Close-quarters thrower
Monk 6: Improved precise shot (bonus)
L7: Martial focus

Would this not be fast enough for you?

Of course, you could skip CQT and its prereqs simply by getting an appropriate spell if you do dip sorcerer. Illusion of calm would do it.

Multiclassing sorcerer for buffs at level 1.

Illusion of calm is fantastic, for some reason I always thought it was only for combat movement.


Are you playing the archetype on a lark to see if it can be made to work, or do you just want to throw stuff generally?

(IMO, FSM is a self-nerfed, lamer version of ZAM, right down to the prohibition on flurrying with unarmed strikes or melee weapons.)

Since you're already open to multiclassing, I'd look at Ninja's Flurry of Stars trick as a suitable alternative (the class stacks nicely with urban bloodrager dip for extra dex and arcane item usage). Ninjas get ki, so the monk flavoring is also there. You'll find that bonus sneak-attack dice scale a lot faster than the anemic pace of unarmed strike damage upgrades.

Mostly to see if I can, have an upcoming campaign and am just seeing if there are some fun builds I can test out.

Homebrew Campaign will likely have a lot of elementals and undead, mixed in with a few humanoids. So sneak attack and critical hunting will be of a lesser priority to straight damage. We have been warned that weapons will be easy come, easy go (Sundering, disarming foes - GM wants to see what a game against this will be like).

I am a fan of the bow, in theory, but I like the imagery of a sling master, or a monk with a bunch of weapons just chucking cheap things instead. Plus its a little less cookie cutter powergaming.
I don't expect the need to be super powerful, but I am still trying to avoid doing negligible damages.

I am thinking Sorcerer 1 [Mage armour, Illusion of Calm], Monk x [Ranged feats, Incremental assault when I have enough levels to justify splitting it, and splintering weapon for fire and forget vs mooks, and martial focus Thrown group]. Quinggong for Barks skin, and maybe Ki Arrow for a decent ranged strike.
Plus I can trait to improve my spell duration with Magical Knack or Gifted Adept.

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