Supernatural Charm

Ancestries & Backgrounds

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Why wouldn’t this just be an elf feat, which half-elves can also take? Elves are well known as alluring, and generally half-elves aren’t, even though they can grow a beard.

The same could be said for a lot of the feats throughout the game. There are quite a few that feel like they should be able to be had by anyone--or at least a subset of races (half-orcs with razorteeth for instance). And not just ancestral feats--there's quite a few class feats that I'd argue more than make sense being used by at least some other classes.

It's a tough thing to come up with feats that describe one particular thing and only that thing.

Grimcleaver wrote:

The same could be said for a lot of the feats throughout the game. There are quite a few that feel like they should be able to be had by anyone--or at least a subset of races (half-orcs with razorteeth for instance).

I'm finding the opposite effect. Because general feats have the adopted ancestry, every race has access to almost all the ancestral feats, and humans have natural ambition so its very easy for any race to be almost anything or have access to more class feats

adopted ancestry->human->natural ambition->extra class feat

even ancestral feats that are normally locked at 1st level behind half-race feats like orc ferocity can be picked up by humans at level one.

human->general training -> adopted ancestry-> half-orc-> orc ferocity

This is a great pick up for a human barbarian.

Snickersnax wrote:

I'm finding the opposite effect. Because general feats have the adopted ancestry, every race has access to almost all the ancestral feats, and humans have natural ambition so its very easy for any race to be almost anything or have access to more class feats

adopted ancestry->human->natural ambition->extra class feat

even ancestral feats that are normally locked at 1st level behind half-race feats like orc ferocity can be picked up by humans at level one.

human->general training -> adopted ancestry-> half-orc-> orc ferocity

This is a great pick up for a human barbarian.

But baked into the feat is the idea that the character has been raised among some other group and picked up some feat that's ethnically 'not their own'. Which is basically to say that no human or elf...or halfling even could be Very Sneaky without having been raised by goblins. And that just seems wrongheaded to me.

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