Number of Ancestries?

Ancestries & Backgrounds

One thing I'm finding unclear is that there is an ancestry feat listed at level one on class charts, but the description says that you begin to gain extra ancestry feats beginning at 5th level.

So, to clarify, is the intention:

1) that you gain an ancestry feat from selecting your ancestry, and an additional one from selecting your class, or

2) that a level one character begins play with one ancestry feat?


every class wrote:
In addition to the ancestry feat you started with, you gain an ancestry feat at 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter.

The appearance of ancestry feats in the class advancement table is purely redundant with the rules stated under Ancestry Feats (page 23). The class tables are just supposed to summarize absolutely everything you get at all levels, AFAICT, so you don't have to flip through the rules so much.

Thanks-they’ve been causing us to flip through the rules more, but I guess that’s to be expected learning a new game.

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