Error in Dead Suns Pawn Collection (Order 5298208)

Customer Service

Good Evening,

I was just opening up my Dead Suns Pawn collection for my session tomorrow night and noticed my set had duplicates of the first sheet (Abneth-Corpsefolk Marine) and was missing page 2 (presumably Damaged Security Robot-Kish). No other sheets seem to be missing or duplicated but I will amend if I find any other anomaly.

We are currently entering the second half of book 5 and it seems as though a good chunk of the missing pawns are ones I will need so if there is a way I can get the missing sheet prior to next months subscription, it would be helpful but I understand if it isn't feasible.

Thank you in advance!

Customer Service Representative

Hello Kapaalan,

The 2nd page of the Dead Suns pawn box should begin with an "Akata" and it ends with "Clara-247". Is this the sheet you are missing? I have set up a pawn replacement sheet. Please confirm that this is the pawn sheet that needs replacement, and I will make sure it gets sent out ot you promptly. Thank you!

Are you looking at the PDF? in the PDF each page is duplicated (front and back). By the PDF I am missing page 3/4 (ignoring cover sheet). The page I am missing has the following

3 Corpsefolk Marines
1 Damaged Security Robot
1 Deldreg the Butcher
2 Desperate Hunger Berserkers
3 Desperate Hunger Cultists
2 Devourer Cultists
3 Downside Kings
1 Duravor Kreel
1 Elebreian
1 Ferani Nadaz
1 Garaggakal
1 Gevelarsk Nor
1 Ghibranai
3 Ghoul Soldiers
1 Ghurd Nshal
1 Hebiza Eskolar
1 Hybeki
1 The Jangly Man
2 Kish

Customer Service Representative

Hello Kapaalan,

Thank you for confirming which page it was for me! It's true I don't have a hard copy in front of me right now and knew it'd take a little clarification to make sure you get the right sheet.

I will get that replacement set up. You should soon receive a confirmation email for this replacement. You will notice that I will have a pawn sheet from the Core Rulebook box listed as the item. Please ignore this. I will make sure the correct sheet gets sent out ot you, but our system currently requires that I use the product code for a sheet from another box. Thank you!

Sounds good!

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