KapaaIan |
Good Evening,
I was just opening up my Dead Suns Pawn collection for my session tomorrow night and noticed my set had duplicates of the first sheet (Abneth-Corpsefolk Marine) and was missing page 2 (presumably Damaged Security Robot-Kish). No other sheets seem to be missing or duplicated but I will amend if I find any other anomaly.
We are currently entering the second half of book 5 and it seems as though a good chunk of the missing pawns are ones I will need so if there is a way I can get the missing sheet prior to next months subscription, it would be helpful but I understand if it isn't feasible.
Thank you in advance!
Sam Phelan Customer Service Representative |
Hello Kapaalan,
The 2nd page of the Dead Suns pawn box should begin with an "Akata" and it ends with "Clara-247". Is this the sheet you are missing? I have set up a pawn replacement sheet. Please confirm that this is the pawn sheet that needs replacement, and I will make sure it gets sent out ot you promptly. Thank you!
KapaaIan |
Are you looking at the PDF? in the PDF each page is duplicated (front and back). By the PDF I am missing page 3/4 (ignoring cover sheet). The page I am missing has the following
3 Corpsefolk Marines
1 Damaged Security Robot
1 Deldreg the Butcher
2 Desperate Hunger Berserkers
3 Desperate Hunger Cultists
2 Devourer Cultists
3 Downside Kings
1 Duravor Kreel
1 Elebreian
1 Ferani Nadaz
1 Garaggakal
1 Gevelarsk Nor
1 Ghibranai
3 Ghoul Soldiers
1 Ghurd Nshal
1 Hebiza Eskolar
1 Hybeki
1 The Jangly Man
2 Kish
Sam Phelan Customer Service Representative |
Hello Kapaalan,
Thank you for confirming which page it was for me! It's true I don't have a hard copy in front of me right now and knew it'd take a little clarification to make sure you get the right sheet.
I will get that replacement set up. You should soon receive a confirmation email for this replacement. You will notice that I will have a pawn sheet from the Core Rulebook box listed as the item. Please ignore this. I will make sure the correct sheet gets sent out ot you, but our system currently requires that I use the product code for a sheet from another box. Thank you!