What space does a rider occupy on a mount?

Rules Questions

For example, if a medium character is riding a large mount, do they occupy one square of the mounts space, or are they considered to always be occupying the same squares the mount does?

If an area-of-effect attack would hit the front two squares of a large mount, can the rider choose to occupy one of the rear squares, thus avoiding the attack?

Asking in relation to a mounted character who has been played at my Pathfinder Society tables.

EJDean wrote:
For example, if a medium character is riding a large mount, do they occupy one square of the mounts space, or are they considered to always be occupying the same squares the mount does?

The latter, always. They have no choice in the matter.

All of them

Combat wrote:
A horse (not a pony) is a Large creature and thus takes up a space 10 feet (2 squares) across. For simplicity, assume that you share your mount's space during combat.

You share your mount's space at all times.

Yes, I found this out the hard way when a white witch used some frost AoE spell on my Halfling Hunter PC in RoW. My wolf had made the turn to Large size and I figured I was safe on one side of the beast, but alas we both took half damage.

On the plus side, on that same PC, that means my little Small sized Halfling threatens folks a couple squares away with the club portion of his Sling Staff, so that's kinda cool!

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Mark Hoover 330 wrote:
On the plus side, on that same PC, that means my little Small sized Halfling threatens folks a couple squares away with the club portion of his Sling Staff, so that's kinda cool!

Occupying the mount's squares does not actually enlarge you to the same size as the mount, much less give you the corresponding reach. If your reach is normally 5', it remains 5' while on a Large or even Colossal mount.

Rules quote in support of all the right answers.

mounted combat wrote:
For simplicity, assume that you share your mount's space during combat.

Silver Crusade

This, of course, makes mounted combat rather strange. You can hit an opponent adjacent to you with both a lance and a sword :-).

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pauljathome wrote:

This, of course, makes mounted combat rather strange. You can hit an opponent adjacent to you with both a lance and a sword :-).

A lance is a reach weapon; reach weapons are defined as unable to hit someone adjacent to you, not as "able to hit anything 10' from one of your squares."

if you share your mount's space, you don't get to choose a square from which to make your lance attack. you count as taking up that 10 ft. square and don't threaten the adjacent squares with your lance. picking a corner is just for determining cover.

pauljathome wrote:

This, of course, makes mounted combat rather strange. You can hit an opponent adjacent to you with both a lance and a sword :-).

nope, you share all of your mounts squares at the same time, you cannot attack adjacent to your mount with a reach weapon.

Does double your coverage with a reach weapon though from 8 squares to 16 squares.

Silver Crusade

dragonhunterq wrote:
pauljathome wrote:

This, of course, makes mounted combat rather strange. You can hit an opponent adjacent to you with both a lance and a sword :-).

nope, you share all of your mounts squares at the same time, you cannot attack adjacent to your mount with a reach weapon.

The mounted combat rules are VERY broken right now. Everybody ignores SOME facet of them since, as written, they lead to the absurd result that one cannot charge on a horse with a lance.

The rider has to stop 10 ft away, the horse 5 ft away. Which is impossible (unless the horse has lunge as a feat). They both have to take the charge action to charge, they both have to stop when they get to the closest spot they can can attack

From the FAQ
"Mounted Combat: When making a charge while mounted, which creature charges? The rider or the mount?

Both charge in unison, suffer the same penalty to AC, the gaining the same bonus to the attack rolls and following all other rules for the charge.

to be fair, that wasn't actually a problem until the FAQ response. the rules as they are written don't force the rider to be "charging," so you could make your attack when you were in range and the mount could continue its charge. i believe that also opened the door to vital striking at the end of a mounted charge, though, which is probably why the question was asked so frequently.

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