Aunders |
I know there isn't much information to go off of at all yet, but I remember seeing the slides announcing this AP at Paizocon. Do we know what levels the AP is going to get to? As much as I understand why they did 1-13 for Dead Suns, and as much as I'm excited to try out Aeon and Signal, I'm really hoping it will run to 18 like Pathfinder APs.
pithica42 |
Yeah, my hope would be that the one after DoF would be a 3 Part 13-20 AP that can be a sequel to DS, DoF, or SoS. But my understanding is that it's likely to be another 6-part 1-12 like DS/DoF. They're likely already working on the AP after DoF and they're holding off on another 3-parter until after they have data on how well AAT and SoS sell.
Yakman |
Yeah, my hope would be that the one after DoF would be a 3 Part 13-20 AP that can be a sequel to DS, DoF, or SoS. But my understanding is that it's likely to be another 6-part 1-12 like DS/DoF. They're likely already working on the AP after DoF and they're holding off on another 3-parter until after they have data on how well AAT and SoS sell.
we can always wait. we'll see how it goes.
dead suns is a really good AP so far from my perspective as a player (starting book 4 next month).
the fact that they are willing to do the 3-parters at all is enormously encouraging
Yakman |
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for several over the long haul -- my hope is that eventually, we'll have multiple choices of APs of varying lengths to take characters from 1-20 with. Granted, it's going to take a while to get there, even if higher level APs still sell reasonably well.
dunno how i feel about the straight 1-20 AP v. the possibility of 3 APs which take characters from 1-20.
I mean... you can mix and match! Don't have to keep the same plotline going. You finish Dead Suns? Like your characters? Pick up the high level AP!
With AtAT and whatever the second 3-parter is, you can shift locations, plots, characters, whatever along a much more manageable amount of adventure.
A problem with APs is that it can be hard to finish them because of their sheer scale (an even bigger problem with Pathfinder, where the books are just enormous). So... cut it in half. It's still great.
And then send the same characters on a second set of adventures, and then a third. A good DM can spread out NPCs and villains, and mix and match...
Tyrnis |
That's what I was keeping my fingers crossed for, and pretty much exactly for those reasons :-)
When I said several, I just meant several higher level APs to choose between. I don't particularly want a 1-20 AP...realistically, I'm never going to run it. The three part APs are really more my ideal length -- completing Dead Suns with my group will be the longest continuous story I've ever managed to run or play with the same group. We're halfway there now, so I think we've got a good shot at pulling it off, but I don't think completing 6 part APs will ever be our norm. It's much more common for us to do a story arc, then switch to a different game or different set of characters for a little while to give whoever's currently GMing a break.
Aunders |
I like the idea of mixing and matching AP's to fit, but we're going to go two years without an AP that takes you beyond level 12? I understand that higher level content doesn't sell as well as lower level stuff, but I know that my group was very disappointed that it capped at 12. We're fine with the cap not being all the way at 20, but we were hoping for something more around the 16-18 level.
Yakman |
If this is another low level AP it will be time to unsubscribe as support for Starfinder will not be meeting any of my interests
it will be a 'full' ap like Dead Suns, taking the characters from levels 1 - 14.