playtest question whens the final day it is charged?

Customer Service

i know they said they will start billing on monday so i was wondering whens the final day for billing of the playtest stuff and since theirs no tracking on these when do you think would be the a average arrival time using the company you guys used?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

There's a pinned thread in the forum with the name "July 2018 Gen Con New Releases (including Playtest Materials) Shipping & Convention Pick Up" that's giving updates on what's happening.

The company they're using is Amazon, so expect similar turnarounds to you normally get from Amazon (though non Prime)

Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

To keep expectations in line, we are operating under the impression that the fulfillment service we are using is going to aim for packages to be delivered in a window right around August 2nd.

so if its early aug and we didnt get the packages we should contact you guys about a refund yes?

Customer Service Representative

chris settlemoir wrote:
so if its early aug and we didnt get the packages we should contact you guys about a refund yes?

I'd recommend giving things at least a few business days after the 2nd, as packages can get delayed for so many different reasons. If it hasn't shown up, we'll see what we can find about what's going on, and then go from there to figure out the best resolution.

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