Question about the Aerial Roll feat

Rules Questions


The new Blood of the Ancients supplement includes a feat called Aerial Roll.
It states that if your fly check is successful the attack, which triggered feat misses automatically. Now I wonder if this also works against automatic hits coming from natural 20s.

My guess is that Aerial Roll still negates the attack, since the feat does not relate to your AC, but instead let‘s you outmaneuver it.

But what do you think?

Bump! Anyone got an idea?

Assuming the text is as described, then yes it would negate any hit, regardless of whether it was a result of a natural 20.

Dark Archive

Mounted combat does the same thing. They both let you negate nat 20s.


To expand a bit, nat 20s are not "sticky." You roll it, you get your hit (and threat) w/o having to consider the AC---and that's it, it immediately ceases to have special status.

Thanks, guys!

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