Charged incorrectly for order 5057674

Customer Service


Order 5057674 was initially authorised on my card, but I asked Sam to switch the order to use my store credit, which he did. Everything looked good on the day.

However, looking at my card transaction history, it looks like the full amount was confirmed on my card by Paizo, and I still have my full balance of store credit on

Could this please be fixed, so the charge on my card is reverted, and my store credit is used instead?

Kind regards,

Customer Service Representative

Hello EJDean,

I'm sorry that the adjustment we made did not stick. I cannot determine why the system ignored the application of Store Credit. I have manually refunded your payment method and charged Store Credit. You should see this change fairly quickly.

Thank you for your patience and understanding with this. I will keep an eye out for similar Store Credit issues and see if we need to apply a broader fix to the application of Store Credit.

Hi Sam,

That all looks good now. I got the refund today. Thanks for sorting that out!


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