Game Ideas, Throwing a few ideas and gathering intrest


Sovereign Court

Okay, I'm gonna begin this with a disclaimer:
I am not exactly known for keeping to my games, often times I get overloaded or life gets in my way. This does not mean I don't care for my games, infact I very much love doing this, even if it doesn't last long.
And in the hope that fun may be had despite that, I have some ideas.

I'm making this thread in order to toss some ideas out there, trying to find some interest out there as well as Garner some interest myself.

Idea 1: An Elder scrolls game! This idea has bounced around in my head for a while, now the most obvious issues would be coverting this to the Pathfinder system, or finding an easy to learn system to use it in. I obviously want to keep this in Pathfinder, as it helps greatly to keep things familiar. However I'll likely use the spheres of power system for magic, as it mist closely resembles the schools tamriel uses.
The settings will actually be during the oblivion crisis, as it not on is the time I'm most familiar with, but it's before s&%+ got complcated with the nations.

Idea 2: honestly I'd just like tk do Mummy's mask, The AP is one I haven't DM'ed and one i very much like the idea for.

Idea 3: A starfinder game. With this one the system is newer, and I can't seem to wrap myself around ship combat, but the idea behind this one would be something Homebrew, as I don't have access to any modules yet..

Idea 4: Something evoking Classic Horror. Vampires, werewolves, Juju zombies, you know something like that ;P

Idea 5: Midevil Zombie Apocalypse. This one is interesting, a game based entirely around killing zombies. Obviously classes that are better against undead would make this game pretty well, but I want to do something where it isn't a magical undead, and the normally effective powers of cleric are not working as they should against the unliving swarm.

And those are my ideas, obviously I have bias twards the Elder scrolls one, and i have put a TON of thought into it. Bur I'd like to see first which of these have the most intrest.

If I do garner some interest, I'll do my very best to keep on track. I'm Limiting myself this time, and not taking on too many games at once. My life right now shouldn't spontaneously explode, so I should last at minimum a month or two ;P

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