Aeon Stone mounts

Rules Questions

The Azlanti armors comes with a special aeon stone mount that allows the stones to be mounted in the armor rather than floating around. Is there any rule that would prevent a character from use his/her Engineering skills to create such a mount on another suit of armor? This would assume they already have a suit of Aeon Battle Dress or SpecOps armor that they can disassemble to create a schematic from. Not transplanting the mount, but rather reverse engineering it and replicating the same sort of thing on another suit of armor (one that, for example, doesn't have an ACP in the case of SpecOps).

Cost and time are a consideration of course, but those are just logistics. I'm talking about feasibility and "legality" here based on RAW.

Given that the mount already exists in the game, I’d say yes. The sticking point would be how to create the thing.

Just spit balling, but maybe if you craft the entire armor, you can add one in at the crafting time. Otherwise, you’re basically duct taping a stone to your old armor, so it would take up an armor upgrade slot.

Maybe there’s an extra mysticism check, or something similar, during the creation?

Well, maybe - what kind of homebrew solution might work is really a question for another forum. I guess the answer is there's not really any official rule, one way or the other, that covers the modification of an existing item outside of weapon fusions and armor upgrades (which isn't really modifying the actual item).

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