Two-handed weapons and natural or improved unarmed strike attacks

Rules Questions

I have a question about combining regular iterative attacks with natural weapons and/or improved unarmed unarmed strike attacks.

Case one – my half-orc bloodrager who has the tusked trait. As a full round attack, she can make her usual set of iterative attacks with a two-handed weapon and an additional bit/tusked natural attack as a secondary attack (-5 to hit and half strength bonus), correct? I’m 99% sure that this is OK.

Case two is trickier – another half-orc who is a druid with one level of brawler. When not wild-shaped, can he make his usual set of iterative attacks with a two-handed weapon and an additional improved unarmed strike as a secondary attack similar to how case one users her tusked bit? I’ve poked about a bit in the forums, and it’s not totally clear to me.

Case one: Correct.

Case two: No. Unarmed strikes are a distinct category from natural attacks, even though brawlers' and monks' UAS can benefit from effects that affect natural attacks.

unarmed strikes do not equal natural weapons.

Unarmed strikes (w/o feats or abilities) are light weapons that provoke an AoO and deal non-lethal damage. They use a character's normal iteration due to BaB to determine how many you get.

Case one is correct.

In case two, say the character can make 3 attacks due to their BaB. You could stab someone twice with a sword and then kick them if you like or stab them 3 times. But regardless if you're using a weapon or unarmed attacks you are limited by your BaB on how many you get.

When it comes to natural attacks, each natural weapon allows you to attack once with it per turn regardless of what your BaB is. This is why a dire lion only gets 3 attacks each turn even though it has a BaB of +6. It gets one attack with each of it's natural weapons and that's it. For comparison the Lynx also gets 3 attacks per round even though it only has a BaB of +1.

Thanks for such a quick set of responses which totally answer my question.

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