Can't change my email

Customer Service

As my old email is now defunct I've been trying to change my email to no avail. I go to account settings, then personal settings, and change my old email to my new one, but then the page doesn't update. It sends me an email to my NEW email to verify this change. I click the link and yet nothing changes.

Customer Service Representative

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello KingmanHighborn,

We were under the impression that this had been resovled, but it appears that it needs a little bit more tinkering. I have pinged the tech team, and it appears it is a problem with the verification link. Our tech team is currently addressing the issue, and we will be in touch when it is resolved. Thank you!

Okay thank you, I appreciate the help and will look forward to the heads up.

EDIT: Okay it finally was fixed, thanks guys and gals.

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