Underline bbcode doesn't work on mobile?

Website Feedback

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm entirely confused about how this is happening, but here goes.

I made a post here. It's not got the most complicated formatting, but I wrote it on my laptop, previewed it, and everything seemed to look fine. I posted it, and everything still looked fine.

I later spotted it on my Android phone using Chrome (a Pixel 2 XL, if you care; I'm not sure it matters, but stranger things have happened.) The formatting generally worked, but the underline formatting did not.

I'm not sure how this even happens, where the BBcode is parsed in one browser but not in another, but it seems to be happening to me. My phone shouldn't be able to see the bbcode to begin with, I'd thought.

What on earth is going on?

I'm on a laptop, Windows 10, FF 60.0.2 and underlining doesn't work there, either,

AFAIK, I've never seen BBCode underlining displayed when I use these forums.

It's not one of the codes listed in the "How To Format Your Text" menu.

To Paizo staff:
If you change this, could you also allow BBCode escape characters so it's easier to post instructions?

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

The underline code is part of Oladon’s forum tools browser extension; its not a feature of the site itself. So, unless you can also install that extension on mobile, you won’t get any of those features there.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Oho! That's what's going on. I checked the "How to Format your Text" box and had no idea that the forum tools actually changed that. That's really confusing. Thanks!

I just looked and found that the formatting options in the "How to format" spoiler have (PCT) next to them if they're specific to the extension and not native to the Paizo website. Is that new? I don't remember seeing the indication before, but it's quite helpful.

I've also seen people using the {code} formatting, without realizing that it looked pretty strange to people who don't have the extension enabled.

The (PCT) and helper text has been there pretty much forever. :)

The extension is available on mobile Firefox for Android -- unfortunately those of you who have Apple devices are out of luck. This is Apple's choice, not mine or Firefox's.

[u]underline[/u]doesn't work here regardless of platform.

I guess I’m just oblivious then. :o

It’s not the first time...

In the "How to format your text" spoiler, anything that has (PCT) is from Oladon's "Paizo Campaign Tools" add on. The two that I see are:

PCT wrote:

and (PCT) [u]underline[/u]

(PCT) This text has [color=red]red[/color] and [color=#0000ff]blue[/color] text.

If you do not have the add on installed you won't see nor be able to use the added bbcodes.

-- david

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Papa-DRB wrote:
If you do not have the add on installed you won't see nor be able to use the added bbcodes.

Those of us who don't use that add-on see all your codes intermixed with the things you're trying to say.

It's not just that you can't see them, it's that they display that awful mess to everyone else on the boards who isn't using your app.

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