Offering Playtest Scenarios

Pathfinder Society Playtest

4/5 **

So, I have a question about Playtest Scenarios as they are released...

Is my search-fu off? I can't seem to find any Playtest pre-gens.


I understand that those will be arriving after August 2nd.

When after; no idea.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

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Hello Organized Play Leadership!

As someone who is running Playtest at GenCon, please debut the pregens earlier than that! We need a week’s lead time to learn what they do so that we can teach them to our players.

Look at me. Please! Help us help you launch!


Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

I very much agree with Hilary, I would appreciate the time to print and laminate sets of pregens for my GMs/VOs.
Having proper pregens (players can scribble on with dry/wet erase pens) can help a lot.

Fortunately, I likely have some pawns for those iconics of course, I will have to sort through all the goblins.. since I might need more than usual.

I might already have started to plan various playtest sessions.^^

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Manager

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At this time, Rose Street Revenge is only being offered at a few conventions with a Paizo staffer presence. It has not released for general use and will not do so until Aug. 6th.

For those GMs running at Gen Con, items will be provided with enough time to prepare, but we must balance release with the issue we are still weeks out from the launch of the event.

As a FYI, we are providing laminated pregens for all tables at Gen Con. The file will be released to the public with the launch of the Playtest.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Australia—NSW—Greater West

Tonya Woldridge wrote:

At this time, Rose Street Revenge is only being offered at a few conventions with a Paizo staffer presence. It has not released for general use and will not do so until Aug. 6th.

For those GMs running at Gen Con, items will be provided with enough time to prepare, but we must balance release with the issue we are still weeks out from the launch of the event.

As a FYI, we are providing laminated pregens for all tables at Gen Con. The file will be released to the public with the launch of the Playtest.

I must admit this has confused me, what date is the release? The 6th, or the launch of the playtest date, which is the 2nd?

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

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Tonya, tell me that the GMs gming Playtest at GenCon will have advance access to those pregens... please? I don’t need to print them — I do need a chance to study what the pregens can do so that I can teach people how they work. You’re already trusting us with the rules —entrust us with the pregens too. I don’t want to have to learn them on Thursday morning of GenCon.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Ohio—Columbus

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In case Tonya gets too busy to answer quickly (since she’s out here at Origins this week), I might be able to ease your mind a bit.

I’m running the short Playtest demos at Origins, and I got a PDF packet with the adventure, pregens, and abbreviated rules a couple weeks ago. I was able to learn what I needed to know, no problem. Then she showed up to Origins with a giant suitcase of laminated pregens, maps, minis and dice for us to use. Easy-Peasy.

It would be surprising if you folks didn’t get something similar once GenCon gets closer.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Oh thank goodness! Thank you, Janice. You did ease my mind!


Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Manager


Janice has the right of it.

The "Playtest Demo Pack" has the accordion adventure, the pregens, and the rules.

We are putting the Gen Con schedule together now. As soon as know who is running what in the Sag, we will get it dropped to GMs. Rose Street Revenge will drop as well. The 2nd and 3rd playtest adventures will drop as they are finished by the OP creative team.

I will have demo packets for the Exhibition Hall and the Sag, for both Playtest and Starfinder.

We will get a list of maps posted as soon as we can get the product pages uploaded.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Australia—NSW—Greater West

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To be clear here, the rest of the world has no PFS scenarios/quests to play on the weekend of Gencon. Is that a correct statement?

Some of us were planning things under a different understanding, and want to make sure that the planning we have already put into this is now going to have to change.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

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Tonya, John, Linda et al —

I have a ton of questions about offering Playtest scenarions at conventions and elsewhere.

  • QUESTION ONE: Is the Playtest reportable in some way?

    I don’t care about character credit. I don’t need to level a character in PF2 before it even starts. But if I am GMing Playtest for you, I want the Playtest demos I am doing to count towards my glyphs. It’s a real motivation factor for me, and for I suspect a lot of other GMs. It’s only fair that if a GM puts in the effort to learn the rules and build the excitement by running scenarios and teaching those rules to others, that they get that time counted towards their PFS Glyphs.

  • QUESTION TWO: Is Rose Street Revenge repeatable or not?

    If playtest is not reportable, do we care about repeat players? If it is reportable, is it once and done? (I am okay if it is once and done if we have other Playtest scenarios to offer.)

  • QUESTION THREE: Can one be in three different Playtest Campaigns with the same character at once — at different levels of play?

    Yeah, I know this is a question that ONLY my region might care about. But it’s a serious one. If we’re going to be playtesting your adventures at different levels simultaneously — which we kind of have to do in the PBP Community — can we do so with the ‘same’ character for the purpose of the Playtest without breaking OP rules?

  • QUESTION FOUR: You mentioned four PFS Playtest scenarios! Can you name them and their levels for those of us doing con planning? Can you list maps when you do so?

    Sub question: Will they be free downloads?

  • Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
    Hilary taking more time to format and phrase these questions

    I have the same questions, and have to admit, getting a head-start on the inevitable glyph race will be tempting for some ^^

    Shadow Lodge 4/5

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    Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

    I don’t need to race others for glyphs. But I do want all the ones that I feel i have earned. If we’re running Playtest to pave the way for PF2, I think we should get to have credit towards our glyphs. I want more ioun stones floating around my head!

    I don’t often post selfish aspirations, but this is one. Please help motivate us heavy-duty GMs to run these scenarios for you!


    PS Hmm hands TOZ a cough drop. Remember, you should carry a sack of them for large conventions so that you can save your voice!

    Grand Lodge 4/5

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    No, is fine. Just frog in my throat.

    1/5 5/55/5 ** Venture-Captain, Australia—WA—

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    Great questions, Hmm.

    I think I remember some answers from one or more of the seminars at PaizoCon, however, I don't trust my memory and I did not take written notes. Having the answers here would be most useful.

    One reason I hope that replay is allowed within Playtest is so that people can trial different characters and builds to find what they think really works and what is problematic, at least from their perspective.

    The Exchange 1/5 5/55/55/55/5

    Starfinder Charter Superscriber
    Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

  • QUESTION TWO: Is Rose Street Revenge repeatable or not?

    If playtest is not reportable, do we care about repeat players? If it is reportable, is it once and done? (I am okay if it is once and done if we have other Playtest scenarios to offer.

  • As someone who was lucky enough to get into more than one slot of Rose Street Revenge at Origins I can say that it is definitely repeatable as of now as I have multiple credits for it on the sheet they were handing out to track playtest progress for the future boon.

    It was not being reported at origins but I do see that the playtest has a reporting category in the system.

    4/5 5/55/55/55/5

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    Glad to hear it Shadius - now if only we knew what the sheet was, what the boon was about (I'm assuming some 2nd ed boon!?), and whether each credit was classed as 'table' for the purposes of Star accumulation in 2nd ed that would be terrific.

    Now that these boons and the playtest has been sighted in the wild, it would be really helpful if some information was forthcoming to those of us who need to start shaping playtest events for once the system goes free for all.

    Scarab Sages 4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Australia—NSW—Greater West

    It would be really nice if the questions in this thread could be answered ASAP. Some of us are organisers who like to be at least two months ahead of the pack, and some of these questions directly impact things already organised.

    Scarab Sages 5/5

    Good luck getting an answer.

    4/5 *

    Tallow wrote:
    Good luck getting an answer.

    Does this really add to the conversation, Andy?

    Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Manager

    6 people marked this as a favorite.
    Sandra Wilkinson wrote:

    To be clear here, the rest of the world has no PFS scenarios/quests to play on the weekend of Gencon. Is that a correct statement?

    Some of us were planning things under a different understanding, and want to make sure that the planning we have already put into this is now going to have to change.


    Last year, we tried releasing the SFS scenarios the same day we released rules. This lead to people scheduling events the weekend of the release and then asking for early access to the rules. We've posted in several places that we would have a split release schedule, due to the nature of a playtest and the logistical issues of getting rules out to people. I recommend touching base with your VL/VC, as they will have the most up to date information regarding our release schedule.
    10-1, 10-2, 10-3 all become available on the Thurs of Gen Con. The playtest scenarios - PFSP1, PFSP2, PFSP3 - release Monday, Aug. 6th. This allows everyone to read up on the new rules before scheduling/running events.
    Product pages for all of these are made and should appear as soon as caches refresh. Season 10 Product Pages
    For reference:
    Pathfinder Society Scenario #10-01: Oathbreakers Die (Tier 1-5)
    Pathfinder Society Scenario #10-02: Bones of Biting Ants (Tier 3-7)
    Pathfinder Society Scenario #10-03: Death On The Ice (Tier 5-9)

    Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

  • QUESTION ONE: Is the Playtest reportable in some way?
  • We are working with tech on this one and I'm currently vetting/tweaking the interface. It is scheduled to go live in July so it is ready for GenCon. We have the sheets from PaizoCon & Origins Rose Street tables. We are also looking at a tool that will allow us to add credit for blocks of playtest demos.

    Playtest adventures give playtest points. We cannot project what rewards will be appropriate for PFS2 at this point in P2's development, and probably won't be able to do so until the CRB is finished. So we are providing points that can be spent on items and will announce what those items are at some point in the future, probably first quarter 2019.

    Re credit to glyphs (or whatever we decide to do for PFS2 GMs). The playtest is its own beast. We haven't answered what, if any, impact stars have on glyphs. Playtest GMing is in the same boat. It is similar to P2, but depending on the outcomes of the playtest, the system may change significantly between Gen GCon 2018 and publication. We are collecting the data and will have it going forward, so we have options, but nothing is decided at this point.

    Btw, PFS Playtest characters start at -1501. PFS2 characters start at -2001

    Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
  • QUESTION TWO: Is Rose Street Revenge repeatable or not?
  • Repeatable, most definitely repeatable!

    Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
  • QUESTION THREE: Can one be in three different Playtest Campaigns with the same character at once — at different levels of play?
  • No, but you can have three different playtest characters with the same class/stats/attributes :)

    Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
  • QUESTION FOUR: You mentioned four PFS Playtest scenarios! Can you name them and their levels for those of us doing con planning? Can you list maps when you do so?
  • Doomsday Dawn, while sanctioned for PFS, is outside the scope of this team. I'll ask Mark or another designer to drop in and put information here.

    Pathfinder Society Playtest Product Pages. I've asked the OP Editorial team to go in and add maps to each product.
    PFSP1 - Rose Street Revenge - Level 1 (pregens available)
    FPSP2 - Raiders of Shrieking Peak - Level 5
    PFSP3 - Arclord's Envy - Level 5
    PFSP4 - Not announced yet (end of September release)

    Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
    Sub question: Will they be free downloads?

    TBD. This was a question sent to our executives. I'll follow back up with it.

    Shadow Lodge 4/5

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    *looks up*

    Tallow wrote:
    Good luck getting an answer.

    IN YO FACE :)

    Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Thank you, Tonya, for taking time to answer our questions!


    Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Manager

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    You're welcome!

    Thanks to Michael for pinging me when a thread has questions!

    Scarab Sages 4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Australia—NSW—Greater West

    thanks Tonya

    Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

    Tonya Woldridge wrote:

    You're welcome!

    Thanks to Michael for pinging me when a thread has questions!

    Then thank Michael too.

    Scarab Sages 4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Australia—NSW—Greater West

    Ahh...Tonya, when I go to the Playtest Pages, they are coming up as available for purchase. I could even get it all the way through to check-out, but being a good girl, didn't push that last button (soooooo tempting).

    Might want to fix that!!

    Scarab Sages 5/5

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    TOZ wrote:

    *looks up*

    Tallow wrote:
    Good luck getting an answer.
    IN YO FACE :)

    Glad to be wrong.

    So, there is this statement from the intro page of the Playtest document, "There are also a number of organized play offerings available to help playtest these rules through the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild. So far, we’ve released a package of four quests and two scenarios, all available at"

    Where on can I find this package of four quests and two scenarios?

    Grand Lodge 4/5

    The PFS Playtest scenarios will be available after GenCon and can be found in the same scenario listings as the regular organized play products.

    Edit: They can be found here.

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