Kyillo |
Heya folks, long time Pathfinder player/forum lurker, and first post.
I just started running the Dead Suns AP and my players blindsided me with a question during character creation.
“What other items should we buy?”
Since that session all I’ve really come up with is Duct Tape, which I’ve justified because if you take damage in a vacuum, then there is most likely a hole in your space suit. As I’m sure in the far flung future there will be massive improvements to rolls of adhesive.
Of course, I gave them access to my Core book, and highly recommended backpacks and the “just in case you need it” rope.
Yet I’m blanking on other ideas.
If anyone else has some ideas on extra mundane items I can recommend for purchase that would be great. Mostly looking for things that would only cost around 1-5 Credits that you could pretty much find anywhere
Thanks in advance
I only pose this question because my google-fu hasn’t brought me any valid answers

The Ragi |

“What other items should we buy?”
Comm units.
For the Dead Suns AP I'd strongly suggest someone grab at least a medkit and invest ranks on Medicine.
I think the iconics gear list is almost an official recommendation for a shopping list. You can download them from this page: http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ukw?Community-Use-Package-Starfinder-Society -Pregenerated-Characters
There's a bunch of threads on this already, but I believe this one has good suggestions: http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2ujwt?Starting-packages

![]() |

Environmental protection on an armour protects with holes. Small energy barrier to keep vacuum out.
The compass is pretty great, but things like a hammer or crowbar to remove panels rope is always great. I'd allow glowsticks and things like flashlights that can leave as a trail.
Spray-paint in that lieu.
On a crazy planet and want to find you way back spray on some paint to mark a tree.

Amaltopek |

Don't forget food to match the diets of everyone in your crew, or something that can replicate food as needed. "Real" food is tastier and more desirable, and thus more expensive, but you should be able to find some on Absalom. After all, even lower-class Stationers enjoy a good meal (or at least as good as someone with only a little money can buy) every once in a while.
At any legitimate starport/spaceport, there will be restaurants and hotels that vary considerable in cost and quality. It should be expected that PC travelers would choose to drop some money there when they have a chance, to get a break from ship rations and a night or two in a nice soft bed.

The Ragi |

A backpack is not a bad idea, if you do any adventuring outside an urban environment.
An industrial backpack is great for any non-Str based character.
Take a good look at tool kits, some of them are almost mandatory for using certain skills.
R2E meals are more expensive, but weight much less than field rations.
If going anywhere near water, a gill sheath biotech augment.
Infrared sensors armor upgrade is great if you don't have darkvision.
A called weapon fusion is really good, can be installed in a level 1 weapon, and also makes it a hybrid item, to bypass DR/magic.
Any leftover credits should be spent on serums of healing mk 1.
I'd almost recommend batteries, but they can get them cheap from the first NPCs they defeat - almost all of them carry an azimuth laser pistol.