Kyillo |
Heya folks, long time Pathfinder player/forum lurker, and first post.
I just started running the Dead Suns AP and my players blindsided me with a question during character creation.
“What other items should we buy?”
Since that session all I’ve really come up with is Duct Tape, which I’ve justified because if you take damage in a vacuum, then there is most likely a hole in your space suit. As I’m sure in the far flung future there will be massive improvements to rolls of adhesive.
Of course, I gave them access to my Core book, and highly recommended backpacks and the “just in case you need it” rope.
Yet I’m blanking on other ideas.
If anyone else has some ideas on extra mundane items I can recommend for purchase that would be great. Mostly looking for things that would only cost around 1-5 Credits that you could pretty much find anywhere
Thanks in advance
I only pose this question because my google-fu hasn’t brought me any valid answers