Swift Action

Rules Questions

Swift actions are in addition to normal actions and don't take as long, so, could i sacrifice say, a move action, to gain more swift actions?

At 13th lvl, my Wit's bard performances have moved to a swift action. I would like to know if I can use his CUTTING REMARKS 3 times in one round?

I ask this because warriors can swing a heavyweight weapon 3 times at their foes in full arm in 1 round. If you think of it that is a swift action.

My character's weapon is his WORDs, and it only does nonlethal damage, and can make my foe sickened. Would it be allowed if you have 3 swift actions, instead of a move action, and a standard action?

Thank you for your help.

Boytoe wrote:
Swift actions are in addition to normal actions and don't take as long, so, could i sacrifice say, a move action, to gain more swift actions?

Afraid not. The design behind swift actions is that while yes, they are "quicker" than other actions, they are often more powerful than other "longer" actions. So the game only permits one swift action per turn for balance reasons.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Generally, you can't convert a move action to a swift action. Actions that take swift actions are usually designed with the intention that you can use them only once per turn, and this is enforced by only being able to take one swift action each round.

That said, bardic performance is different, because the rules say "At 13th level, a bard can start a bardic performance as a swift action." with "can" being the operative word. Starting a bardic performance is a standard action, but you can start it as a move action if you're 7th level, or as a swift action if you're 13th level.

Keep in mind that, while this allows you to start three performances in one round if you want to, you can still only maintain one of them at the same time.

Finally, I've flagged your post to be moved to an appropriate forum for rules questions.

No, unless your GM house rules otherwise. While you can perform a move action as a standard action, There are a lot of abilities that work as swift actions that are exceedingly powerful if allowed to occur several times per round.

Also, rules questions are best asked in the rules forum, and I've flagged this post for being moved.

Zaister wrote:

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Keep in mind that, while this allows you to start three performances in one round if you want to, you can still only maintain one of them at the same time.
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This is normally true, including preventing you from using Lingering Performance to get temporary simultaneous Bardic Performances. To get around this, you need to use the spell Virtuoso Performance and spend 3 rounds of Bardic Performance per round to maintain 2 Bardic Performances. I thought I saw something else that either partially duplicates this or improves on it, but that's all I can find right now.

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