So What's the Plan, Stan?

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Cap, The Eldest picked up her car in Beloit. Stopped at the mall in Rockford, didn't find what she was looking for and then went to the next mall on the way back to Janesville...

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It's only fifty miles north...

captain yesterday wrote:
It's only fifty miles north...

No, not nearly as bad as ending up in Dubuque. I firmly believe alcohol was involved on that one.

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It's the weekend and here we go. I have a game tomorrow night that will pick up exactly where the last one left off. Beyond that, I have no idea what to do. I've not been able to come up with anything so I'll be winging it and playing off what the players do.

We're also dropping down into below freezing temperatures, which don't usually happen this early in fall. I love cold weather so I'm pretty excited.

So what about the rest of you folks? What's shakin' at your place this weekend?

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Zelda is in Missouri.

Aiymi and I will get some time set aside for her solo-ish RotRL campaign with my new house rules in play (which automatically cause me some headache as a GM as I have to increase the published difficulty, but worth it to us).

I have to do some work on Saturday, but that shouldn't take long.

Otherwise I picked up the Pathfinder - Kingmaker game on Steam on Wednesday night and started playing it last night some. Had my first party wipe in a spider-infested cave.

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I'm going to trick my family into making Starfinder characters.

"Here, fill out this form... Check these boxes... Choose from this inventory list... Okay, now for a hypothetical situation, here use these dice and figures, let's begin..."

Well, I had to wing all but the first 30 minutes of my game. It was pretty dull from my point of view (my performance as the GM, not the players). I've come to realize that after being a DM/GM for over 30 years has caused me to "lose my edge". I can't think on the fly as I used to in order to improvise and with my group that's a talent you must have. I don't want to stop playing the game but I'm just tired. Very tired.

Aiymi did her hard-mode RotRL campaign this weekend.

She made it through the initial goblin attack unscathed. Investigated the boneyard and found the goblin tracks that scaled the outer wall. And her druid just started making ridiculous survival checks to follow the tracks. And follow the tracks. And keep following the tracks. Each check is good for one mile. She made it all the way to Thistletop. She ended up in a battle in the briar maze with Gogmurt, Tangletooth, 3 goblins, and 6 goblin dogs. At level 2.

I know virtually nothing about this AP, being an entirely homebrew gamer. But that sounds pretty intense.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I know virtually nothing about this AP, being an entirely homebrew gamer. But that sounds pretty intense.

This is all in the first book. She effectively finished Part 1, skipped Parts 2 and 3, and went directly to Part 4. This is unwise, but this is a possibility when the book specifically mentions that there are tracks to be found with a relatively low DC, and the party includes someone who can reliably track with survival.

Welp, it's Friday. No game for us this weekend and likely not until December 8th. Too many folks have too many things going on. What about the rest of you? What's on the agenda?

Sorry, this weekend didn't really happen for me.

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I heard and please accept my condolences.

So, post Thanksgiving food coma gaming this weekend? We're gathering tonight instead of our usual Saturday session because most everyone will be unavailable for the rest of the weekend. Even with this, we're going to be down 3 players. So I have to put what will probably be a suicide mission for them aside and improvise something else tonight. And for the record, I'm not the one who came up with the suicide mission idea. I just don't think they're really considering all the variables.

So what of the rest of us? What's happening this weekend?

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I'm really not sure. Maybe some of Aiymi's RotRL campaign. It's possible the Adult Kid may make it over from Colorado, weather depending.

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Working tonight and tomorrow night (story of my life re: weekends) but then. THEN! I will have four days off in a row as the new schedule starts and night shift goes to 3 12s each week instead of 4 10s. Woohoo!

Besides going to hang with my brother and some of our local PFS lodge people Monday night I don't have anything specific planned for my days off. I'll probably finish the rest of my Christmas decorating and do some cleaning around the apartment. Maybe do some crafting or something. THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS :D

Spending tonight at Zelda's place.
Spending tomorrow with Aiymi, except from 1-4 when she will be out doing some Pokemon Go event. We'll probably play her RotRL campaign.

Eventually schedules will work out again for us to do either our 6 person Giantslayer campaign or our 3 person Reign of Winter or our 5 person Ruins of Azlant.

The law of averages probably dictates that at some point those schedules will align.

We're not gaming this weekend as it's our "off" weekend. My GF is coming down so mostly it'll be Christmas movies...sigh. The things we do for love.

What's everyone else doing?

I'll just be chilling at home waiting to see if we get three quarters an inch of rain or a foot of snow.

We're expecting thunderstorms, up to 2 inches of rain, and tornadic weather tonight. Whee.

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We're being told thunderstorms with no chance of snow.

Therefore I expect thundersnow.

Howdy, all. So what's doing this weekend? It's our group's annual Christmas party and gift exchange dinner and afterward we'll be playing the classic DC Heroes game. And for once I won't have to be the game master.

The threat of inclement weather is keeping the number of participants small this year as some have quite a distance to travel. But we'll have a good time, I'm sure. The gaming portion of the evening is our 2nd Annual JerryCon, named after a gaming partner and long time friend who passed away in 2017. Jerry was famous for leaving things behind or losing them altogether, as well as for other things. He once left a Masters' Tournament ball cap here and I will be bringing this to the game and placing it in the center of the table, just like last year.

So what about everyone else? Big plans or binge watching or dusting off old vinyl albums and taking a trip down memory lane to when the Bay City Rollers were cool?

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The Bay City Rollers were never cool. Ever. Stop that.

RotRL with Aiymi tonight. Breakfast with her in the morning.

Head over to Zelda's and cut down a Yule tree with her and the kids. Order pizza. Watch a couple episodes.

Come home Sunday and see what Aiymi's up to Sunday afternoon.

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Xmas White Elephant party tonight.

A short NWN event and Savage Tide PnP tomorrow.

Sunday is pretty much do nothing day.

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Also going to try and get started on one of my story projects. I posted a list on FAWTL to gauge some interest on which concept to work on first.

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I'm actually off work tonight and tomorrow night! No specific plans in mind, though I'll probably try to go pay my parents a visit tomorrow. Otherwise it'll just be a mishmash of PbP, video games, chores, and crafting :)

*edit* Oh gosh, I almost forgot! I'm actually going to go play PFS with the local lodge tomorrow too!

Can't forget that!

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The perils of signing up for stuff a couple of weeks in advance :)

It's the weekend, you groovy cats and kittens. What's shakin'?

Well, that's more awkward reading it than it was in my head. Anyway, what are folks doing this weekend? No gaming for us and probably not until at least the 29th. But I'll be safely ensconced in my Fortress of I Wish Had Solitude online Christmas shopping.

So you guys. What's going on?

I think tomorrow will be the final or second-to-final Savage Tide session for the year. If the latter, the final will be the week between Xmas and New Years'. The 22nd is simply not happening.

More writing. Including a review for the stuff I won in Taigmas.

Xmas wrapping! It's getting to be about that time.

I have a problem with things like wrapping or folding things. I was told in college I had a condition similar to dyscalculia in that mathematics are almost impossible for me and folding things like clothes and maps and seeing how they should be folded in my mind just don't compute. I said all that to say this; gift bags all the way, baybee.

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^I do gift bags too, otherwise my gifts look like they were wrapped by a toddler.

No weekend plans since it's back to work Saturday, Sunday, and Monday night but that's okay. If it's quiet I'll do GM prep work and if it's busy, well, that's okay too because it'd be pretty weird to go to work and get huffy about having to actually work!

My boss is notorious for making fun of people for using gift bags or wrapping poorly. It's actually really, really annoying.

I'd be sniping a boss like that.

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I'd rather have poorly wrapped presents then a gift bag to be honest, but that's just me.

I was supposed to work last night, but that got put off until Monday night. That meant I was able to go to Zelda's Yule party last night.

Will head back home sometime today.

Have to work tomorrow for several hours, so it's rather shot.

And have to fly to Virginia on Monday. So the work I was going to do from my couch Monday night is going to be done from a northern Virginia hotel room instead.

But hey! Free Continental breakfast!

Welp, it's Saturday! Who's got what going on this weekend?

We have to get a Christmas tree.

Heh, I had mine up 2 weeks before Thanksgiving.

Mailing gifts, purchasing and wrapping last minute presents, and otherwise getting some relaxation in. I'm off work until Wednesday as well. Which is great for rest and terrible for paychecks.

I'll probably have to go out for a salt run overnight on Christmas Eve.

It's supposed to be in the '40s on Christmas Eve here. The last Christmas snow we had was 2012.

No snow predicted at all here. Some rain tomorrow and next weekend, otherwise cloudy and/or sunny. Huzzah!

If we don't get snow it should at least be COLD! But NooooOOOOOooo...

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See, I believe if there's no snow it doesn't need to be cold.

But then I live through 6-7 months of winter every year, so.

Sovereign Court

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
If we don't get snow it should at least be COLD! But NooooOOOOOooo...
captain yesterday wrote:

See, I believe if there's no snow it doesn't need to be cold.

But then I live through 6-7 months of winter every year, so.

You're welcome!

We had a tree come down in a storm last night. It fell across the driveway... and I own the road accesd to three neighboring prpoerties that have rights-of-way through my property. (Not normally a problem: We all get along.)

Anyway, one of the neighbors and I have been working to clear the tree and debris all day. I had been planning to spend the day Christmas shopping, and not using a chainsaw on wood covered in wet snow.

Done now, and I'm really sore. I'm getting too old for this!

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
It's supposed to be in the '40s on Christmas Eve here. The last Christmas snow we had was 2012.
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
If we don't get snow it should at least be COLD! But NooooOOOOOooo...

In seriousness, are you in an area where 40s F is not considered cold? It's at least heavy jacket weather for me. Light jackets don't come out until the mid- to upper-50s, and don't go away until the upper-70s.

The 40s are considered pretty chilly here. I usually wear a long sleeved shirt or a light jacket. But that's just me. Right now it's 60 degrees F and it's about perfect for me.

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