PFS missing events at Origins 2018?

Pathfinder Society Playtest

The Exchange

So I know Origins is having some issues of their own with the whole events registration going on today. Does anyone know if the missing PFS events is related or did something get messed up on Paizo's end?

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

It appears to entirely be the Origins system. This same thing happened last year. Their filters do not seem capable of processing an event that overlaps multiple days. I looked through 35 pages of RPG events and most seem to be there except for the ones that run in the PM slot which technically ends at 0:00 AM the next day. I have notified our organizers, the Origins Facebook group, and all the people in the contact list. I have received no response as of yet, but hope they get this fixed soon.

Dark Archive 1/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Michigan—Warren

Bob, you just helped me figure out how to schedule the 7PM ones. You can't select a specific date but instead have to select All. By doing that I can see the events that end at 0:00AM.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Unfortunately, the only filter that worked for me was the genre. So I was able to get all the RPG to come up, but is still did not display any events in the late slots. So, I am still waiting on a change to snag a special ticket.

Dark Archive 1/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Michigan—Warren

I did RPG and All dates and left the search bar empty. I then went to page 78 or so and saw all the evening Starfinder Society stuff. I hope it works for you.


Bob Jonquet wrote:
Unfortunately, the only filter that worked for me was the genre. So I was able to get all the RPG to come up, but is still did not display any events in the late slots. So, I am still waiting on a change to snag a special ticket.


If you're trying to snag a ticket for the Starfinder Special, try just typing the event number. I snagged a ticket for 9118.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

That didn't work either. Sometime this afternoon/evening they fixed it enough to allow me to go in and snag a ticket. I dunno if that means its entirely fixed, but at least that part is. Course their checkout system choked on my g/f payment for her ticket so now she has to call their c/s line in the morning to get it straightened out. I dunno how long their system holds a ticket pending payment, but I doubt its very long. Just a very frustrating experience all around and the sad part is, we went through this exact same problem last year so they are either unable or unwilling to fix the problem permanently.

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