Rappan Athuk Kickstarter

Product Discussion

Scarab Sages

While this Kickstarter shows as "Rappan Athuk: Reborn for Fifth Edition! Go down the Well!", there is additional content here for Pathfinder for those that are interested:


$15 Rappan Athuk Upgraded! --Get the PDF file of the new levels of Rappan Athuk that are not contained in the 2012 hardcover release for either Swords and Wizardry OR Pathfinder! NO FIFTH EDITION CONTENT IS INCLUDED AT THIS LEVEL.

$35 Rappan Athuk Upgraded (Softcover) -- Get a softcover copy of the new levels of Rappan Athuk that are not in the 2012 hardcover release for either Swords and Wizardry or Pathfinder! A PDF file of your selection is included! SHIPPING COST IS NOT INCLUDED. All shipping fees are calculated and charged using BackerKit. NO FIFTH EDITION CONTENT IS INCLUDED AT THIS LEVEL.

Campaign is currently approaching $138,000, with 34 hours left to go.

That's amazing! :O Good luck in the final few hours to FGG!

I'm in.

Scarab Sages

With 9 hours to go, the KS is at $153k. They just unlocked the free .STL files to 3D print a Necromancer Games-themed dice box.

If $7000 more comes in, a free color poster is included.

If 58 more backers pledge, a large poster map of all the levels is unlocked.

Details listed here

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