KapaaIan |
I'm trying to report a run of DS2 and noticing the expected (and input values) aren't matching up with what is in the guide.
I had three players play the entire book without deaths (full credit). So I'm trying to input the reputation of 5 ("For sanctioned Adventure
Paths, full credit is 3 XP, 5 Reputation, and 5 Fame.") When I click save, the 5's become 4's. Additionally, there is a note next to reporting saying "GM Ranking +2" I didn't notice, but this also happened to DS1.
Did the rewards for APs get changed? Or did I mess something up?
Arc Riley |
You did everything correctly. This is a known bug in the reporting webapp which has remained unfixed for 6 months.
Keep that sign-in sheet earmarked, whenever a technically oriented person at Paizo decides to spend 15 minutes to change the maximum fame value from "4" to a "5" we'll all have to update already entered scenarios.
Gary Bush |
Given how much the web team has put in to the site, AND the challenges faced when Starfinder was rolled out, AND the challenges that the Starfinder rollout caused on the reporting system, I think it is a little rude and certainly dismissive of their talents to say "spend 15 minutes to change" anything.
If it was that easy, it would have been done. Cut them some slack and just get over it.
Arc Riley |
I think it is a little rude and certainly dismissive of their talents to say "spend 15 minutes to change" anything.
If it was that easy, it would have been done.
If it is not that easy, then there's an even larger problem in that the codebase is such a mess as to be unmaintainable.
With a high degree of confidence I can tell you somewhere in the code there is a check for the fame value and there's likely even a variable it checks the fame against called max_fame. Whether at that check, or in the settings, there is a line such as "max_fame = 4". That 4 needs to be changed to a 5.
And I don't believe that the complexity of this problem is the cause for why it hasn't been done, I just think the technically-oriented people at Paizo have a laundry list of higher priorities than working on the organized play code.