Paizo Blog datestamps incorrect

Website Feedback

When I go to the Paizo Blog page, the datestamps for the most recent entries are off. For example, right now, the Player's Guide blog indicates it was posted "2 minutes ago" and the ACG blog "56 minutes ago." However, both were posted yesterday afternoon.

I've noticed this in passing before since the site update, thinking, "Oh, hey, a new blog entry!" when I see the "x minutes ago" and clicking before I realize I've already read that entry, but I just assumed that maybe I had read the screen wrong. This time, I double-checked to be sure.

That blog page shows the same "2 minutes" for me as well, but correctly shows that the last post was more than 4 hours ago.

The incorrect timestamp is only on the overview page, not on the blog post itself.

Blog post

I’m having the same issue on mine. It’s kind of disorienting at times.

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