Jhaosmire |
Howdy all,
I'm building an orc encounter (shock). As a side plot (and to give a lot of exposition), I plan on the players (whom are after killing all the orcs) running a level or two AS some of the orcs they're after. They already know the orc's names, and I have a few reasons for doing this:
To explain a bunch of exposition without the players doing nothing while I read.
To build up the character behind the bad guys.
To assign certain bad guys to certain players (Player A plays Orc X, so when Player A finds Orc X, X insists on attacking A), rather than choosing at random.
To see how the orcs will run in combat, which in turn is how I will run them against the players.
Because I think it will be fun.
So, here's why I'm posting: I need to build ten Orc PC's. They need to range from levels 5 - 8, be primarily warrior classes, and be flushed out enough to play for about eight hours. The setting is a Steampunk Forgotten Realms, and they're all a mix of Western/Renaissance/Soviets.
Would you guys be willing to help build them? Thanks!
avr |
OK, I'll give some a shot. I'll assume the elite array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) and NPC wealth. BTW - why under homebrew rather than some more trafficked forum?
Bad Breath Burren
Orc trap breaker alchemist 6
Str 18, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 6
Feats: dodge, mobility, spring attack
Discoveries: smoke bomb, stink bomb, breath weapon bomb
Class abilities: alchemy, mutagen, throw anything, bomb 3d6+2 (DC 15), trapfinding +3, explosive disarm, land mine
Gear: +1 longspear, masterwork chain shirt, potion of fly, potion of cure serious wounds, elixir of hiding, elixir of tumbling, alchemist's kit.
Extracts prepared: alchemical allocation*2, barkskin, vomit swarm, shield, monkey fish, enlarge person, two free 1st level slots
Formulae known but not prepared: cure light wounds, expeditious retreat
Bad Breath's favoured means of attack is to soften enemies up with bombs (possibly placed in advance as land mines) which may also stop the enemies moving in to attack him if they're nauseated, and to spring attack in and out of combat when that isn't possible.
He claims the nickname is in honour of his mighty stink bombs. Others disagree.
avr |
Orc wildstrider swashbuckler 3 / witch killer slayer 4
Str 20, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 8
Feats: power attack, improved bull rush, rhino charge, extra panache
Class abilities: panache (3), deeds (derring-do/subterfuge, opportune parry and riposte, adroit step, menacing swordplay, precise strike +3), nimble +1, studied target +1, track +2, superstition +3, sneak attack +1d6, lingering thrust
Gear: +1 spear, masterwork cold iron dagger, +1 agile breastplate, +1 buckler, swashbuckler's kit.
Olbin can fight bravely toe-to-toe, sneak around to ambush her enemies, or ready to charge the arcane spellcasters she hates.
Pizza Lord |
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Hrabur Dragdeath
Orc Fighter 8
Str 18, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 6.
Feats: Blind-Fight, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (net), Flinging Charge, Furious Focus, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Vital Strike.
Notes: replace Blind-fight with Caster's Champion if there's going to be an arcane spellcasting ally in the group, which will allow him to swift action up his damage by 3, which he'll do before power attack, vital striking a prone, entangled foe.
Class abilities: Armor Training 1 (3rd), (reduce ACP by 1, add 1 to max Dex, no speed penalty in medium armor).
Armor Training (7th), Advanced armor training, armor mastery feat: Armor Material Expertise (living steel), (Twice per day, may force a metal weapon that hits him to make a DC 20 Fort save or be broken or destroyed, just like when an attacker rolls a natural 1.)
Weapon training (axes). (+1 to attack and damage).
Gear: +1 impervious snag net (hardness 4, hp 25, break DC 27. 3,330 gp, so probably out of reach. If so, just masterwork snag net.)
+1 spiked living steel chainmail (with his armor training it allows his full Dex bonus to AC and no speed reduction. 2,300 gp, so if that's out of reach, masterwork spiked living steel chainmail.)
+1 battleaxe or masterwork battleaxe,
masterwork greataxe (going two-handed power attack on netted enemies),
chakram or javelins (5 or so, for range attacks),
2 or 3 extra nets and a spare drag net.
Tactics: Hrabur will use his snag net to entangle and then trip foes on the next round in almost all cases. His Precise Shot lets him throw into melee combat without penalty. Once a foe is caught and prone, he'll either step up and smash it with his battleaxe (if keeping a hand free to hold the net) or drop the trailing rope and quickdraw his greataxe to power attack, vital strike his opponent (using Furious Focus to ignore the attack penalty on his first attack of the round).
If he decides to approach a foe, he'll use Flinging Charge to rush an opponent, toss a net from 10 feet (+2 to hit from charge and +1 from Point Blank Shot), then finish with a power attack (at -5 as per the feat, but with no power attack penalty, which doesn't apply to his ranged attacks.)
He's also not afraid to toss out an extra net or two on an entangled opponent (his Quick draw lets him switch weapons quickly), which doesn't increase the entangle but does make an extra net to escape from.
Don't forget to add bonus damage from weapon training (axes) and that his living steel armor may cause metal weapons to break or be destroyed (DC 20) on a natural attack of 1 and that twice per day he can force that save on any metal weapon striking him due to his advanced armor mastery feat.
Hrabur Dragdeath is big, scarred, and mean with a close-cropped mohawk and beard of black hair starting to gray. He's spent most of his early life fighting in arenas, pits, and brawls, honing his tactics and fighting-style against one or two opponents, but also learning to use his skills to incapacitate foes to help his allies. He respects only power and those who can challenge him, though if paired with allies for a purpose, he'll fight with and look after them (though he may not respect them). In addition to his spiked armor, he wears a large, spiked pauldron on his left shoulder.
The large spike extending from Hrabur's shoulder armor currently bears the sunken-eyed, decapitated head of a dwarf named Lomrac Kegback rammed down on it. The whiskered remains of a red beard still dangle from the gray, desiccated flesh. Over four months ago, Hrabur slew Lomrac in a battle that saw the dwarf resist many of Hrabur's trip attempts due to his natural stability and led to Hrabur falling into negative hit points before finishing off the dwarf with nothing more than his natural ferocity keeping him standing. Out of respect, he keeps the dwarf's head on a shoulder spike, looking for the next opponent to earn a place of honor there. If his head is returned to his clan (where his body is interred in the family crypt), his family will offer Lomrac's dwarven waraxe as a reward (Hrabur already had an axe he liked better and left it behind). If returned to life, Lomrac may offer to join his saviors, but he will never willingly face Hrabur in combat (though it's unlikely anyone will get his skull away from Hrabur while the orc still lives, unless he's replaced it with a new foe's head and tossed Lomrac's aside).
Asmodeus' Advocate |
Oglughat One-Punch
Orc Brawler 4 Barbarian 1 Alchemist (vivisectionist) 1 (CR 5)
CE medium humanoid (orc)
Init +5; senses: darkvision, perception +0
AC 19; Flat-Footed 18; Touch 9 (+5 armor, +1 DEX, +2 natural armor, -2 rage, +3 shield)
HP 66
Fort: 8, Ref: 6, Will: 3
Speed: 40 ft.
Unarmed Strike: +15 (1d6+11)
Brawlers Flurry: +13/+13 (1d6+11)
Special Attacks: Brawler's Flurry, Knockout Punch (DC 25), Martial Flexibility (5/day), Mutagen (included in stats), Rage (included in stats), Sneak Attack 1d6
STR 32 DEX 13 CON 18 INT 4 WIS 10 CHA 8
BAB 5, CMB 26 (29 grapple), CMD 36 (39 grapple)
Feats: Ability Focus (knockout punch), Combat Expertise, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike
Gear: Potion of Bull's Strength (included in stats), +1 chain shirt, +1 heavy shield, Quick Runner's Shirt
In a fight, Oglughat has but one objective: to find someone physically imposing and then knock them out by punching them in the head. To this end, he's gotten hours of practice in, punching people in the head, learned the most vulnerable parts of the skull, and also taken steroids. Lots of steroids. He even learned how to make them himself, from an alchemist, though he doesn't have enough intelligence to use extracts.
[spoiler=personality]He hopes that if he punches enough people in the head, eventually someone will be impressed by it and he'll be socially accepted.
avr |
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I made a slight mistake above - Burren has the +4 BAB required for spring attack now, but not at level 5 when he got his last feat. I guess he retrained the feat. If you want to account for the cost of retraining drop his elixir of tumbling.
Here's one more.
Black Burren
Orc shadow walker unchained rogue 6
Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 6
Feats: point blank shot, precise shot, rapid reload, EWP (firearms)
Rogue talents: firearm training, extinguishing strike
(note: if your steampunk setting has a higher availability of firearms those feats & talents may change.)
Class abilities: sneak attack +3d6, expanded sight (darkvision 80', no light sensitivity), evasion, illumination control (3 illumination points, light at will, 2 IP for darkness, 3 IP for deeper darkness or daylight), favored illumination (darkness), debilitating injury, rogue's edge (stealth skill unlock)
Gear: Masterwork pistol, 10 mage shots (cold), 20 alchemical cartridges, sap, morningstar, mithral chain shirt, gunslinger's kit
Black Burren's favoured combat tactics are obvious: turn out the lights and shoot people while he can see and they can't. He's got some ability to hide and shoot people where that's not viable too.
He's something of a voyeur, enjoying his ability to watch people without being watched himself, and making up stories to himself about those he sees. He's also a closet romantic - something he tries to keep concealed from his allies.
Asmodeus' Advocate |
Because there aren't any level five orcs submitted yet, I'll submit two; a set of twins named Emma and Wrukaog, respectively. Their stats are identical, but due to their teamwork feat "Amplified Rage," somewhat higher when adjacent to each other. Their stats while adjacent are included in blue text. Rage is included in their stats, it's assumed that they're always raging.
Orc Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager, Pack Rager) 5 (CR 4)
CE Medium Humanoid
Init. +1, Senses: Darvision, Perception +8
AC 13, Touch 9, Flat-Footed 12 (+4 armor, +1 DEX, -2 rage)
HP 66 76, DR 2
Fort +10 12, Ref +3, Will +4
Defensive Abilities: Superstitious (+3 on saves vs magic), Ferocity
Speed: 40 ft.
Melee: Masterwork Butchering Axe +12 +14 (3d6+15/x3) (3d6+18/x3)
Ranged: Masterwork Adaptive Hornbow +7 (2d6+6) (2d6+8)
STR 22 26 DEX 12 CON 20 24 INT 8 WIS 10 CHA 6
BAB +5, CMB +11 +13 CMD 22 24
Feats: Amplified Rage, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Butchering Axe), Furious Focus, Power Attack
Gear: Chain Shirt, Cloak of Resistance +1, Masterwork Adaptive Hornbow, Masterwork Butchering Axe, 5 feet of hemp rope
Emma and Wrukaog have tied themselves together with their five feet of hemp rope, so that they can't be seperated easily, thus ensuring that they almost always benefit from amplified rage. They synchronize their initiative and focus fire on one opponent whenever possible.
avr |
You're right, there's a lack of level 5 characters, and there should be a few mooks present when there's a group of ten to deal with.
Orc shifter 5
Str 20, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 8
Feats: combat reflexes, vigilant charger, shifter's rush
Class abilities: shifter aspect (snake, tiger; minor aspects up to 5 min/day), shifter claws (natural attacks bypass DR cold iron, silver, magic), wild empathy +4, defensive instinct +1, track +2, woodland stride, wild shape (5 hours/day, min 1 hour used each use), trackless step
Gear: aegis of recovery, bodywrap of mighty strikes +1, 3 shortspears, leather armor, druid's kit
Ashyka's here because she's following another orc she wants to impress. Friend, family, lover, you decide which. She's also aware that neither her leather armor nor the scales of her preferred emperor cobra form will keep out many attacks, so impressing that orc is something which needs to be done fast.
Her preferred combat tactic is to guard an area with the reach of her cobra form and combat reflexes, but readying a charge with vigilant charger and changing as she moves with shifter's rush is also doable.
Asmodeus' Advocate |
I suppose we could make a bunch of fighters and barbarians whose only distinction is the exact weapon they prefer to use, but how boring would that be?
The orcs don't have a proper caster, so here's another one for the list. (Also, I'm switching to avr's method, rather than typing out entire stat blocks. Less work for me, more work for you. Sorry :( )
Trisgak Bookmage
Orc Magus (Bladebound) 8
STR 18 CON 14 DEX 12 INT 13 WIS 6 CHA 8
Feats: Alertness, Enforcer, Improved Initiative, Multi-Attack, Power Attack, Rapid Shot
Class Abilities: Arcane Pool (5 points), Spell Combat, Spell Strike, Spell Recall, Improved Spell Combat, Black Blade (Axe Musket), Flamboyant Arcana
Spells Prepared: (3rd) Haste, Monstrous Physique (2nd) Bladed Dash, Frigid Touch, Mirror Image, Reloading Hands (1) Frostbite (x4), True Strike
Gear: +2 Chainmail, +1 Cloak of Resistance, Ring of Protection +1, Black Blade
Axe-Gun the Utilitarianly Named
Black Blade
+2 Axe Musket
Abilities: Black Blade Strike, Unbreakable, Energy Atunement
This assumes that guns are martial weapons in your steampunk world. If not, replace Rapid Shot with Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Firearms).
avr |
Here's a bardarian to support the group.
Tragset "Talky Trags"
Orc barbarian 6 / arcane duelist bard 1
Str 20, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 8, Cha 12
Feats: power attack, improved sunder, destroyer's blessing, greater sunder, arcane strike
Rage powers: moment of clarity, perfect clarity, ultimate clarity
Class features: rage (15 rounds), fast movement, uncanny dodge, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +2, bardic performance (5 rounds; rallying cry, distraction, fascinate, inspire courage)
Spells: moment of greatness, cure light wounds.
Gear: adamantine greataxe, +1 chain shirt, silver earthbreaker, cold iron greatsword, aegis of recovery, dagger, bard's kit
Trags wants to be a great leader. He knows his brains are limited, but planning in advance can beat that; he's heard how barbarians can get confused and carries all three of those weapons so that he doesn't. Planning!
Similarly he's seen ragers drop dead as they end a battle. Being able to drop out of a rage before then is important. Of course he might not know to do so and must rely on the smarter folks to tell him when he should. Funny thing is, training himself to do that has led to being able to see through illusions. Planning is even better when it brings unexpected goodies like this!
In a fight he'll usually start by roaring out a song, and then try to break an enemy weapon. If he's alone he'll then go for the kill, with others he'll keep on breaking stuff.
Pizza Lord |
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Here's some clerical support.
Orc cleric 6 (theologian)
Str 16, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 14.
Feats: Foment the Blood, Selective Channeling*, Siphon Channel.
*If it turns out that there will rarely be a non-orc ally or creature with the orcs, substitute Extra Channeling.
Class abilities: Domain: Healing; channel negative energy 5/day (3d6); focused domain (theologian); domain secret (cure light wounds, Silent Spell).
Domain powers: Rebuke Death 4/day (counts as 8th-level from focused domain (theologian); Healer's Blessing (cure spells are Empowered).
Gear: masterwork heavy mace (312 gp), +1 chainmail (1,300 gp), masterwork light wooden shield (153 gp), wand of silence (10 charges; command word "Dephin"; 900 gp), feather token (whip) (500 gp), wooden unholy symbol (thong on neck; 1 gp), iron unholy symbol (affixed to shield; 5 gp), dagger (2 gp).
Mahk the Blood-Fervor received his name for his ability to bolster his orc allies with his channeling and spells, allowing them to achieve greater glory. A broad-shouldered, gray-skinned brute with jutting lower teeth and deep, onyx-like eyes, his mere presence is an inspiration to other orcs in battle, both for his reputation and his ability to heal. While far from intelligent, he found himself drawn to the study of clerical healing and, rather than devote himself to a deity in particular, he focused on a theological study and found that healing magics provided him an avenue to achieve acceptance from warbands despite the scorn he sometimes received from clerics and temples of orc deities (though he does believe in them; his theological philosophy provides his divine powers). He wears a pristine (unless he's recently been in battle), almost gleaming, white tabard over his chainmail which bears the symbol of a red hand, splayed diagonally at an angle, with a stylized drop of black blood in its center.
Mahk uses his 3rd-level slots to prepare extra 2nd-level spells (he can't cast 3rd-level spells). He focuses almost entirely on cure light wounds and cure moderate wounds with a deathwatch, for keeping an eye on allies' and enemies' health, and the occasional boiling blood, which he uses on his orc allies who don't have the ability to rage (since the morale bonus wouldn't stack). He prepares one or two other spells if he suspects a need, but mostly he maintains cure spells (which are Empowered). His cure light wounds spells are also Silent, due to his domain secret. He avoids targeting opponents with his spells, due to his low save DCs.
In combat, Mahk almost always uses his channel energy to deal damage to all living creatures around him. His Foment the Blood feat grants his orc allies bonuses without injuring them, while his Selective Channeling feat can be used to avoid damaging the rare non-orc he doesn't want to harm (typically his or an ally's mount). He can only exclude two at a time, however, due to his Charisma modifier. His initial channel is almost always used in conjunction with his Siphon Channel feat, to generate temporary hit points, especially if there are enemy mounts, familiars, animal companions, or summoned creatures.
If opportunities arise, he'll use his whip feather token to create an extra combatant to grapple troublesome foes and use his wand of silence to hinder enemy casters, placing the effect on a point in space or object rather than risking the low save DC on a creature. If he still has some spells to buff his allies with or if it seems like a more prudent tactic to continue laying down areas of silence, he'll stay out of the silence himself, but he otherwise has little reluctance or qualms about going into such areas (his own cure light wound spells are Silent and it won't prevent his channeling).
He reserves his Rebuke Death power from the healing domain for himself or allies who drop below 0 hit points (thankfully, as orcs, they remain standing) or uses a cure if they are gravely injured or likely to take more damage immediately.
Asmodeus' Advocate |
If we're going over the ten orcs needed, I've got a few ideas!
Two orcs with amplified rage, one with a polearm, the other with undersized mount, an exotic saddle, and a lance. GROUP RAGE LANCE POUNCE!
Orcish Titan Fighter 1/Antipaladin X with a conductive weapon (maybe with PC gear and +1 cr?). Uses Touch of Corruption, channel smite, vital strike, and a large sized butchering axe for extraordinary dunking prowess! It consumes a lot of resources, but the look on the PC's face when they take 6d6+3d6+3d6+6+STR+magic weapon damage with a fortitude save for slightly less!
Pizza Lord |
Here's a poisonous monk orc.
Str 18, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 6. (if leveled to 8, increase Dex by 1.)
Feats: Adder Strike, Boar Style, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Improved Trip, Poison Focus, Vicious Stomp.
Class abilities: evasion, fast movement, flurry of blows, high jump, ki pool (5; magic) maneuver training, poison use, purity of body, slow fall 30 ft., unarmed strike, unarmored AC bonus +3.
Possessions: bracers of armor +1 (1,000 gp), all tools vest (for crafting poison; 1,800 gp), potions of mage armor [2] (100 gp), shuriken [50] (10 gp), poisons*: Purple worn poison (700 gp), Nerveblast (crafted; 500 gp), Large scorpion venom [4 doses] (crafted, 266).
*Note that purple worm poison requires to saves to end its effects and nerveblast requires 2 consecutive saves. Also note that crafted DCs have their save DC increased by 1 from Poison Focus (unfortunately, purple worm poison's DC was too high for me to have him craft it with believable consistency). Assume he puts at least one rank in his skill at poison crafting every level.
Soruk Lonebraid is a squat, muscled powerhouse, resembling an 10-foot tall Marine drill instructor who jumped out of a helicopter and was compacted into a 5'10" frame. His tattooed head is shaved bare and he wears a loose-fitting belted tunic, vest, and leg wraps of varying shades of gray. His boots, belt, and elbow and knee pads are black with crimson edging. He's known to keep vials of poison in easy reach, though none are visible to casual inspection.
Soruk is a trained poisoner and coats his boots, knee or elbow pads in preparation for striking opponents. During his free time, he brews up various poisons using his all tools vest as a traveling alchemy lab. As a lawful evil orc, he doesn't fit in well with his companions chaotic tactics, but his self-discipline forces him to remain focused and dedicated to taking out his targets.
If aware of trouble or combat, Soruk will down a potion of mage armor to augment his armor class (overlaps with his bracers). He typically keeps two types of poison ready, coating both his elbow and knee pads. The Adder Strike feat allows him to coat two for each dose of poison as a swift action. He'll save his purple worm poison for coating his boots if he feels it's needed (he likes to keep his gloved hands poison free, in case he has to grab an ally or attack without using or wasting his poison, such as on constructs or undead).
In combat, he'll use his superior speed to get into the midst of enemies (using a swift action ki point to increase his dodge AC by +4 for the round) and strike at a likely target. Typically, when he only has a single attack, he'll attempt to use his Improved Trip on a likely target and follow up with his Vicious Stomp feat, dropping a poisoned elbow or knee (or kick, if he's poisoned his boots). If he can flurry, or strike a previously hit target, he will opt to use the same poison (hitting with the other elbow or knee, for instance) to attempt to increase the save DC each round by +2 and the duration by half. He prefers to use his nerveblast poison early on, on likely casters whose Will saves usually protect them from fear, but who have typically low Fortitude saves. If forced to hang back, he'll flurry with his shuriken, trusting his high Strength to augment the normally low damage.
Pizza Lord |
Here's a zen archer orc monk, because I spent all day reading monk archetypes and figured I would try and give someone an orc hornbow.
Str 18, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 6. (if leveled to 8, increase Wis by 1.)
Feats: Deadly Aim, Deflect Arrows, Exceptional Pull, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (orc hornbow), Improved Precise Shot, Perfect Strike, Point Blank Master, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus (orc hornbow), Weapon Specialization (orc hornbow).
Class abilities: fast movement, flurry of blows (bows only), high jump, ki arrows, ki pool (4; magic, cold iron/silver), perfect strike (7/day), point blank master, slow fall 30 ft., unarmed strike, unarmored AC bonus +2, way of the bow, zen archery.
Possessions: efficient quiver (1,800 gp), masterwork orc hornbow [+2]* (630 gp), backup masterwork orc hornbow [+2]* (kept in efficient quiver; 630 gp), masterwork quarterstaff (kept in quiver; 300 gp), hat of disguise (1,800 gp), potions of mage armor [2] (100 gp), oil of magic weapon [2] (100 gp), arrows [50] (1.5 gp), trip arrows [5] (125 gp), dagger (2 gp).
*Note that her Exceptional Pull feat increases the allowed Strength damage on any bows by +2 to 4, letting her take advantage of her full Strength.
Yotul is a smooth-skinned orcish female just on the cusp of middle-age. Her skill at avoiding melee fights has left her unscarred (a fact she is secretly proud of) and her body is free of blemishes and tattoos. She tends to pamper herself in secret ways, nail polishes that no one sees beneath her gloves or boots, soft, soothing body oils, and luxuriant shampoos and baths, non-scented; some of her orc companions have keen scent and would make fun of her. This is also the reason she rarely has a chance to try perfumes, though she enjoys experiencing new scents and fragrances and could spend hours wandering through such shops and stalls in a marketplace.
Thoughtful and introspective, Yotul gains insight into the world and nature by studying the curve of a bow, the feeling of contained power as it's drawn back, and the flight of an arrow. Despite being lawful, she fits in well with most orcs who have fought with her, since her calm and discipline during the whirling chaos of most orc combats allows her to place arrows with skill other archers cannot match. Despite her allies' raging, charging, grappling, and getting in the way, her arrows always manage to pierce a foe at the right time.
When in the field or on a mission, Yotul constantly uses her hat of disguise to appear as a fully-equipped (female) warrior in spiked black adamantine platemail with her features concealed behind a close-faced dragon-headed full helm. This is done for the benefit of foes, not to deceive her allies (who all know who she is and what she looks like). She wants to have her true capabilities (speed, agility, etc.) concealed until the last possible moment.
Yotul naturally prefers to hang back and rain death on enemies with her bow. If alerted to combat, she'll down a potion of mage armor to increase her AC. If facing foes resistant to normal attacks, she'll augment her bow with her oil of magic weapon. Otherwise, she uses her flurry of blows to fire as many arrows into targets as she can each round (typically spending a ki point to gain an extra attack in her flurry), using her Improved Precise Shot to fire into melee and ignore cover and concealment. She'll use her tripping arrows on likely targets, especially ones in melee with her allies, firing them with her higher BAB attacks and using Perfect Shot to ensure a hit (since they're expensive).
If closed to within melee range, her Point Blank Master lets her fire without risk of attacks of opportunity, normally she'll attempt a trip arrow before falling back, or withdrawing if the situation calls for it, and trusting her very high movement speed to carry her away (moving behind allies, enemies, difficult terrain, or cover to prevent a charge attack). Otherwise, her fists and feet are as deadly as any other monk's, though she cannot flurry with her unarmed attacks.
Her typical attack and damage bonus with her masterwork orc hornbow is +10 (2d6+6/x3), with an additional +1 to both if within 30 feet for Point Blank Shot. She can also use her Deadly Aim feat to take a –2 penalty to attacks and deal +4 damage (she'll typically use her Perfect Shot feat for these attacks as well unless the target is relatively easy to hit.)
Jhaosmire |
I wonder if we will ever learn how this turns out.
You will! Thanks all, I never got back to posting on this one.
Player's ended up playing:
- Bad Breath Burren: I altered this guy to be an Ogre, as I knew I wanted one of those in the mix. Was my favorite of all the played guys, just because the Player kept him as less of an aggressive bad guy and more as a smart, reserved character.
- Olbin: Was a fun, wild character. Gave them the Improved Dirty Trick feat also, and the Player focused on that.
- Oglughat One-Punch: Very smashy.
- Mahk the Blood-Fervor: Was fun to have a cleric type, but the Player playing this one didn't quite take off on what the intent was. And sadly, got skipped when the actual characters came back to the Citadel later,as they constantly avoided the route he patrolled.
- Yotul Stagkiller: Was great for the Player, but got absolutely slaughtered when I ran him against the party later. Like, single round, butchered by the party Paladin.
And those are the ones that got played. I also had a Gunslinger in the group, because he was an important storyline guy (#2 in charge of the organization). Thanks again all!