Worldscape humble bundle not shipped

Customer Service

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Hello. I received my physical oneshots in the mail. They look awesome! I noticed something, though. On the Humble Bundle page for the bundle, there's a download link for the Pathfinder Worldscape Digital One-Shots Bonus Content, and in the zipped file, there is bonus content for the Pathfinder Worldscape John Carter oneshot (poster & map PDFs), but the actual comic is missing from the entire list of downloads there, it's not in our downloads on the official Paizo website and it wasn't included in our first shipment of physical items. Will it be included in the 2nd shipment with the miniatures?

Edit: Nevermind, that's bonus content for the Warlord of Mars oneshot. I just hadn't made the connection. XD

So we're in July with August creeping up. As we know, Gen Con is also in August.

Do we have a better time/date of the miniature delivery at this point?

Taps on mic. Is this thing on?

Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

No new news.

Do we have any further update on this?

Sara Marie wrote:
No new news.

Since we are now into August, past the July time period, any new news? I recall it being said that the figure ready time is "solid" for July.

...They are telling us to expect the miniatures in the Paizo warehouse at the end of July 2018...

I'll add to the chorus asking if they were able to deliver and now that Gen Con is over, if we can expect to see it delivered from Paizo to us.

Dark Archive

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The minis are still coming from Ninja Division?

July 2020 might be a more realistic expectation.

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Looked at the Starfinder KickStarter comments page and ouch. Selling stuff to the public before shipping it to the backers is always going to generate feelings of ill will.

Not saying it wasn't something that Ninja Division had to do in order to keep cash flows going or keep its doors open but damn that's bad PR.

It's too bad Paizo couldn't have Reaper do the miniatures for them but I suspect they needed more than Reaper could have provided in terms of volume/quantity/branding.

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I am really wondering why Ninja Division themselves have not stopped by to let us know what is going on.
I've dealt with Reaper quite a bit and can say that I wish it was Reaper making these instead. They are really nice and very professional.
Back to waiting.

First, it looks like Ge Con 2018 was a great year for Paizo. Lots of playtesting info going back and forth.

Having said that, now that Gen Con 2018 is officially over, can we get an official update?

Just went to check my last email I got about the minis "The short answer is that Ninja Division expects that we can start fulfilling miniature order in August"

Its past mid August and no update.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

Hello, I can update! We are expecting to be able to start fulfilling all currently submitted Humble Bundle miniatures in the Near Future™. Our goal is to finish some tasks with the August subscription shipments and then look at beginning to ship the Humble Bundle miniatures.
Unfortunately, the recent issues with website stability were also affecting the August order generation and its taking us a bit longer than hoped to do all of this.
Before we can be 100% on providing dates publicly, we need to do the equivalent of some pre-flight checks on the miniature orders to do our best to ensure everything goes smoothly once we begin shipping.
I'm going to sticky this thread and we'll provide the next update hopefully soon.

~sara marie

Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

In the meantime, ensure your shipping address is correct!

So what I am to understand is that those of us who have been waiting since first quarter of 2018 for these miniatures are now at the back of the line for shipment because of "system issues" is what your jargon equates to?

Gthrash wrote:
So what I am to understand is that those of us who have been waiting since first quarter of 2018 for these miniatures are now at the back of the line for shipment because of "system issues" is what your jargon equates to?

No, they usually ship subscription shipments intermingled with other order types. The spawning of orders equates to printing the shipping labels and is a precursor step. It (should) only take a few hours, it doesn't mean they're going to spawn all the subscription orders, then ship them out, then spawn all the miniature orders.

I believe what Sara was saying is that they can't doublecheck the order spawning process (which prints the shipping labels) until after the glitches that hit their system this week have been ironed out.

As I understand it, once they've sorted that, the subscription spawning (which is currently halfway done) will finish off, then they'll check and run the miniatures spawning and then everything will be shipped out (via an arcane queuing method based around maximising efficiency).

The order the two spawning processes are run should have minimal impact on the order in which things are shipped - unless there's a glitch in the mini-spawning (in which case there'd be a delay no matter what). I expect they'll both start shipping out next week.

Sounds hopeful but not clear.

For example, do they have the physical miniatures? If Paizo physically has the miniatures, then it's all good. Paizo in my experience is a good company.

Or are they relying on the other company to ship? That would be problematic.

Joe Kushner wrote:

Sounds hopeful but not clear.

For example, do they have the physical miniatures? If Paizo physically has the miniatures, then it's all good. Paizo in my experience is a good company.

Or are they relying on the other company to ship? That would be problematic.

To echo Joe here, Do you or do you not have them?

Please say you have them. Pleaasse! :}

Or say you don't. Lol. I'd just like to know either way. ^^;

Hopefully, after the holiday we'll get another update. The thread started in March has now survived into September. It's like being part of one of those Kickstarters where the people running it won't reply but on occasion, someone who knows those people will chime in something. In this case, Paizo being the people who know something but are somewhat embarrassed at their association with the group running the kickstarter.

So anyone get anything cool this summer? I was hoping for HB figures but got Royal Tenenbaums ones from ebay. Currently Margot is standing in for a witch (its funny) and Richie is a lv 2 hunter with a hawk (again funny)

so its sept 4th and these miniatures are still not shipped and this is the last email update i got

Dear Corset,

Thank you for participating in the Pathfinder Worldscape Ultimate Crossover Humble Bundle. By contributing, you've received a redemption code for Pathfinder Worldscape Comics & Miniatures.

Originally, the comics and miniatures were intended to ship together. However, due to delays with the miniatures, we have determined the best course of action is to ship the comics as soon as possible. The miniatures are estimated to arrive August 2018 and no shipping charges will be applied when they are processed and shipped.

The comics are expected to begin shipping next week. At this time you will be authorized and charged for shipping for only the comics. If you have May subscription shipments through Paizo, your comics may be combined with that order.

Thank you for your continued patience.

Paizo, Inc

Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

Hey folks, the website outages have delayed this and we are trying to catch up on all of the various critical things like getting our subscriptions and these humble bundle items shipped.

what website outages why was there no email or such sent out again the last email that I copy pasted was sent back in may and nothing was said about outages or you guys being behind so are you just now finally saying hey we dropped the ball we did not keep customers we had charged for an item informed in I don't know a newsletter or something hell even a big note on your website would have been nice saying we have had website issues its delayed our shipping of things

Silver Crusade

... the website was out. It was down. Kaput. There was nowhere to put a note. No way to send emails. If you went to the url it took you to a maintenance page.

So I am guessing it is the end of September now? or will it get pushed back again? A little more communication with us the buyers would go along way.

Gosterro wrote:
So I am guessing it is the end of September now? or will it get pushed back again? A little more communication with us the buyers would go along way.

right and they could not oh I don't know email people this to say this again this is just poor communication on Paizos part and now they get to deal with the customer backlash and disgruntledness

ment to reply to Rysky not you Gosterro

Silver Crusade

Corset wrote:
right and they could not oh I don't know email people this

No, they could not. What part of "the site is down" do you not grasp?

Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

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Jeff, Will and myself are sitting down in about an hour from now to discuss how this outage will affect our fall shipping times and a top priority is figuring out the HB shipping so we can communicate that.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Folks, we estimate our warehouse will begin shipping HB minis that have already been redeemed and submitted tomorrow: Friday Sept 7th. Will is currently determining how quickly the entire batch of pending minis will take to ship and I will provide that estimate as soon as I get it.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Corset wrote:
right and they could not oh I don't know email people this to say this again this is just poor communication on Paizos part and now they get to deal with the customer backlash and disgruntledness

How do they email you when the systems are down enough that they don't know who to email?

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Logic is irrelevant. :-)

Crazy as it sounds, I am really looking forward to getting these still!
It would probably be smart if you guys looked at another company such as ...REAPER... to work with on any future mini projects. They know what they are doing and are really nice people too! ;}
I roll for painting skill...
I ready my painting gear.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The Humble Bundle Minis that were redeemed and submitted before September 6th will ship out in a window from Friday September 7th, through Friday, September 14th.

If you had not redeemed your HB code and submitted the order until after September 6th, it may take a little longer to have your order ship. Our focus is to get the orders that have already been submitted shipped.

Sara Marie wrote:

The Humble Bundle Minis that were redeemed and submitted before September 6th will ship out in a window from Friday September 7th, through Friday, September 14th.

If you had not redeemed your HB code and submitted the order until after September 6th, it may take a little longer to have your order ship. Our focus is to get the orders that have already been submitted shipped.

This is very good news indeed! I will be watching for this in the mail.

Gosterro wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:

The Humble Bundle Minis that were redeemed and submitted before September 6th will ship out in a window from Friday September 7th, through Friday, September 14th.

If you had not redeemed your HB code and submitted the order until after September 6th, it may take a little longer to have your order ship. Our focus is to get the orders that have already been submitted shipped.

Yay! :D


Begin stalking mailbox...

The Exchange

Received my shipping notification today. It’s been a long time coming but it will be good to have them

Dark Archive

Got mine today, look great, although i got 2 john carters and no Tars Tarkas

My Worldscape miniatures arrived today.
I am seriously disappointed.
The miniatures were well packed and arrived with no damage to the box.
The condition of the miniatures as Pazio received them from Ninja Divsion though... That's another story.

The minis appear to have been cast in three different methods each with different results.

John Carter And Tar Tarkas- Nicely cast hard plastic , good detail, no complaint.

Tarzan- Appears to be a resin cast, a BAD resin cast. unrepairable in how bad it was cast. The mold was so far off during casting the face is not just suffering from a mold line, it is totally offset . No fixing that.

Red Sonja and the SpaceFinder mini. - Both appear to be 3d cast. The Starfinder one is not too bad besides the lines apparent on low quality 3d print miniatures. Red Sonja though... She is so messed up. The left side of her lower torso is gone. she is missing half her stomach and some ribs!
This on top of the horrible lines from shoddy 3d printing turned what should have been the best Red Sonja miniature of all time into a failure.

Now I know you guys at Pazio are not at fault for what Ninja Division has done. They need to be the ones to fix this. I hope we are one day able to get these miniatures in a final fixed form that we can be proud of painting and bringing to the table.

I am curious what others have to say about the condition of the minis that they received.

Thanks for reading!

I've also just received my worldscape miniatures and I've got problems with the brittleness of them. The Barsoomian's sword broke off just getting him out of the package, it looked like it was barely hanging on when it was in the bag. That's ok, I can re-glue it and things happen, but then Red Sonja's leg snapped off while I was holding it to paint it. These miniatures seem incredibly brittle. I'm concerned that they won't last very long.

Starfinder Superscriber

Got the figures and same problem as Jasonomicon Ex Mortis. Two John Carters and no Tarzan.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

The warehouse has let me know that as of Friday evening, they believe that all the HB orders that could have shipped at that point have gone out.

If you have a HB order with missing or damaged components, please let us know by sending an email with a picture of the issue and your order number to customer.service at

I'll get together some pics and send them to you guys.
I am curious if you know why the minis were cast in different ways?
To those of you who received the minis already, What was the casting process like on each one?
My thought is it may vary as ND may have done it to speed up the orders.
Just a guess though.

The Exchange

Received my miniatures today and I guess I was one of the lucky ones. Miniatures were well cast and had no deformations or brittleness. Was surprised that my Tarzan was wielding a dagger rather than his spear as per promotional images but I guess they changed the design or something.

Starfinder Superscriber
Adenai wrote:
Received my miniatures today and I guess I was one of the lucky ones. Miniatures were well cast and had no deformations or brittleness. Was surprised that my Tarzan was wielding a dagger rather than his spear as per promotional images but I guess they changed the design or something.

I believe in the process of making the figures Ninja Division had to change the production process and they couldn't mold it with the spear. I'm vaguely trying to reference a Kickstarter update they made a long while back. If I'm not mistaken these were made alongside their Starfinder miniatures Kickstarter.

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

This is probably a dumb question, but as I always say, there's no dumb questions, only dumb people :)

I supported this Humble Bundle - is there any way for me to see whether I'm in the system or not? I feel like I got missed, either through my own error or an oversight, but I don't know how to check.

When I go to My Account - Account Settings, I can scroll down to the bottom (on the right) and see a box labelled "Partner Redemptions". If I view that, it shows I redeemed a Humble Bundle code back in October 2017. That might be a place to look (?)

I don't remember if the code was sitting there waiting to be redeemed or if I got an email from Humble Bundle with a code I had to enter.

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