Size increases... again

Rules Questions

There is some confusion to me on what stacks.

Enlarge Person plus Large Polymorph doesn't stack (afaik)
Can you still cast enlarge person on a monstrous humanoid to make it bigger?

What about Enlarge Person and Small Polymorph?

If the spells don't stack the assumption would then be that you still become a large creature.

What about enlarge Person and Impact Weapon? As I see, impact only applies to the weapon so it isn't a size increase (per se) and therefore it should stack.
Does an impact weapon stack with Lead Blades? I'll assume they don't.

Now the same question for a large polymorph and the Strong Jaw spell?

Side question:
Does a magical weapon stack with the magical weapon spell? Say you have +1 Flaming Longsword, you cast improved magic which gives you +3. Do you now have a +3 Flaming Longsword, or a +4 Flaming Longsword.

Does a +5 bane/alignment weapon give +7 to attack and damage against a specific creature/alignment, do they add up to +9?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Multiple polymorph effects don’t work together.

Only one actual and one virtual size increase can stack together (so impact and lead blades, both being virtual increases, don’t stack, but either will stack with a size increase from a polymorph effect).

Side questions: I actually can’t remember the consensus, but I’d say the spell overrides the enhancement bonus of the weapon (doesn’t stack) if it’s higher, and special weapon properties remain (in your example, +3 flaming).

I don’t understand the bane question, as I can’t see where you’ve got two +2s to make +9 at all. Can you give a more concrete example of the exact weapon properties and a target creature?

Liberty's Edge

Trish Megistos wrote:

There is some confusion to me on what stacks.

Enlarge Person plus Large Polymorph doesn't stack (afaik)
Can you still cast enlarge person on a monstrous humanoid to make it bigger?

What about Enlarge Person and Small Polymorph?

If the spells don't stack the assumption would then be that you still become a large creature.

PED wrote:

You can only be affected by one polymorph spell at a time. If a new polymorph spell is cast on you (or you activate a polymorph effect, such as wild shape), you can decide whether or not to allow it to affect you, taking the place of the old spell. In addition, other spells that change your size have no effect on you while you are under the effects of a polymorph spell.

So the effect of the polymorph spell take precedence and the size changing spell don't work.

Trish Megistos wrote:

What about enlarge Person and Impact Weapon? As I see, impact only applies to the weapon so it isn't a size increase (per se) and therefore it should stack.
Does an impact weapon stack with Lead Blades? I'll assume they don't.

Now the same question for a large polymorph and the Strong Jaw spell?

That is in a FAQ, here. Essentially, if you have an effect that enlarge you and one that increase the damage as if you where larger, they stack, but two of the same don't.

Trish Megistos wrote:

Side question:
Does a magical weapon stack with the magical weapon spell? Say you have +1 Flaming Longsword, you cast improved magic which gives you +3. Do you now have a +3 Flaming Longsword, or a +4 Flaming Longsword.

Magic weapons add a flat enhancement to the weapon, it doesn't increase an existing enhancement, so the original enhancement and that of magic weapon overlap and don't stack. there are several abilities that stack, but they say that explicitly.

Trish Megistos wrote:

Does a +5 bane/alignment weapon give +7 to attack and damage against a specific creature/alignment, do they add up to +9?

An alignment weapon don't give a bonus to the attack, only extra dices to the damage. A furious weapon do that, so we will use that as an example.

So we have a raging barbarian using a Furious, Evil outsider bane weapon against a devil.
Both effects add an attack bonus as they have the right conditions, both bonuses are from different sources. They stack and the weapon is be +9.
(2 bane effects, say evil outsiders and lawful outsiders against a devil, don't stack as they both are bane bonuses)

Trish Megistos wrote:
Can you still cast enlarge person on a monstrous humanoid to make it bigger?

A "monstrous humanoid" is a different category from "humanoid". Enlarge Person only works on regular humanoids. (I think.)

Trish Megistos wrote:
Does a +5 bane/alignment weapon give +7 to attack and damage against a specific creature/alignment, do they add up to +9?

Bane effects don't stack with each other. So if you had Evil Outsider Bane and Chaotic Outsider Bane on the same weapon, you wouldn't get both bonuses when fighting a Chaotic Evil Outsider.

Bane bonuses do stack with non-Bane bonuses.

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