Why! Why did you do this?!

Website Feedback

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Patrick McGrath wrote:
DeathlessOne wrote:
Bah, no one LIKES change. Time to get over it and adapt.

G-Damn Millennials :P

Change is fine, but it should be gradual. The site actually hurts my eyes and is giving me a headache.

Hahah, I am no Milennial. I am proudly part of Generation X (though just on the tail end). Though, I agree with you :P

When is change ever gradual?

Starfinder Superscriber
Majuba wrote:
Breaking virtually every saved link to the website, especially the forums, all at once is terrible.

There's things I like about the redesign and some I don't, but this oversight demonstrates a complete lack of professionalism by the web team.

You never, ever break external links to your site. I have sites with several pages of redirection rules in their Apache configuration, its a mild effort to setup on each change but costs nothing to maintain.

Dolarre wrote:

It took me ten minutes to even find the forums. I can’t download anything. I can’t find the daily blog at all.

What was so bad about the old site! I could get to anywhere I needed to go in one or two clicks. Now it’s ADVERTIZING with a side of unfindable community content. When WOTC changed their site to its current monstrosity, I stopped going.

I will miss Paizo’s site. One less thing to draw me away from the TV during commercials.

It took me 30 seconds to find the forums. For something to begin, something else has to end. Instead of being in denial, you should embrace change. Rip up your old character sheets, and roll up a new character.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Arc Riley wrote:
Majuba wrote:
Breaking virtually every saved link to the website, especially the forums, all at once is terrible.

There's things I like about the redesign and some I don't, but this oversight demonstrates a complete lack of professionalism by the web team.

You never, ever break external links to your site. I have sites with several pages of redirection rules in their Apache configuration, its a mild effort to setup on each change but costs nothing to maintain.

No links were broken by intent, but a few of our redirects are giving us trouble.

If you have old links that are broken, please let us know which ones. Thanks!

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