Classes for Entry to Enchanting Courtesan PrC?


Scarab Sages

We're going to be playing War for the Crown when enough of it has been released, and I'm looking at the Enchanting Courtesan as a really fun possibility for it.

Right now it seems to me the best classes for entry would be Sorcerer or Oracle, maybe Psychic. But, I'm wondering if anyone can think of good 3/4 BAB 6th level caster classes or archetypes as well.

Any suggestions, or is this really a full caster PrC?

The powers involved are really not up to replacement for a 3/4 BaB class, buuut...

I think a mesmerist that dipped 1 level into enchanting courtesan just for the ability to cast, what is it, enchantments and divinations (detect thoughts) without being easily detected would be a very strong option.

If you wanted to continue further into Enchanting Courtesan (and you probably shouldn't), there's a bold stare that can reduce a foe's saves vs. poison (Lethality).

Scarab Sages

Thanks, I hadn't considered just doing a dip in Enchanting Courtesan but I think that's probably the best way if I take it. All the best stuff is early as you mentioned.

It would be much easier to use a class that isn't full caster that way too, since getting casting progression only would be weak taking the whole 10 levels of PrC. Mesmerist does look good, and I'm also looking at Duettist Bard as a possibility.

For that matter it could be interesting to use one of the spellcaster Investigators, Questioner or Psychic Detective, for it.

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