Unchained Rogue Equipment / Magic Items


What are the main magic items/equipment I'm going to want to buy for an unchained rogue? The ones I believe will be the best use are these ones:

Belt of Dex (+2 to +6)

Mithral Shirt (Chain shirt, will also make it +1 to +3 at some point)

Dual-Balanced: for 2k gp my 2 daggers will reduce any 2 weapon fighting penalties by 1 for both weapons (basically giving me +1 to attack for both daggers)

For my daggers I'm unsure to go 'Dagger of Doubling' for 10,302 gp or just buy 2 separate +1 daggers for 4k gp.

Holy Mask of the living God: 2100 gp, +2 on heal/intimidate checks and cause fear/cure light wounds once per day. I plan on using intimidate heavily

Elixir of the thundering voice: 250 gp grants +10 bonus on intimidate checks for 1 hour

I was looking at fogcutting lenses and blinkback belt but I think the cost may be too much. Instead of boots of striding and springing I'm going to pass on them and use a scroll for longstrider.

Any recommendations on what to use to enhance my daggers/end game daggers I should aim to get?

Any other items/equipment you recommend I take?

-Thanks in advance!

Gloves of marking is great for rogue who don't rely on crit to deal damage. So if you have two keen kukris, you can help your team, it's very effective for team with 4+ units. I don't play rogue with crit damage focus as Sneak attacks has always been enough for me. So it really helps as your team gets +2 to hit and damage, while the target gets shaken.

Blinkback belt is great for rogue who favour options over stats. In the hands of a true rogue, it will be deadly.

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