Can an a dispelling weapon be up graded to a dispelling burst weapon?

Pathfinder Society

For PFS can an a +1 dispelling weapon be up graded to a +1 dispelling burst weapon? Can a PC have one of each?

Would a spell that increases the enhancement bonus of the weapon also increase the bonus on the dispel caster level check?

"A dispelling weapon functions like a spell storing weapon, but it may only store dispel magic; however, the caster level check to dispel gains an additional bonus equal to the weapon's enhancement bonus. This bonus also applies to a magus's dispelling strike arcana or a barbarian's spell sunder or sunder enchantment combat maneuver check."

5/5 5/55/55/5

dispelling weapon functions like a spell storing weapon, but it may only store dispel magic; however, the caster level check to dispel gains an additional bonus equal to the weapon’s enhancement bonus. This bonus also applies to a magus’s dispelling strike arcana or a barbarian’s spell sunder or sunder enchantment combat maneuver check.

dispelling burst:
A dispelling burst weapon functions like a dispelling weapon but may store dispel magic or greater dispel magic. In addition, these spells can be discharged as a free action when the wielder of a dispelling burst weapon confirms a critical hit. When the wielder does so, the bonus to the check made to dispel (including from dispelling strike, spell sunder, or sunder enchantment) increases by an amount equal to the weapon’s enhancement bonus or the weapon’s critical multiplier (whichever is higher).

If a dispelling burst weapon confirms a critical hit while it is not currently storing a dispel magic or greater dispel magic spell, yet if the wielder has either spell prepared (or is a spontaneous caster able to cast either spell), she may cast either spell into the weapon as a swift action and then immediately discharge it into the target as a free action.

That DEFINITELY looks doable. Its the same material, shape, (you know.. being the very same weapon and all) and includes all the same powers, it even says its like the other thing. So should be good to go.

You can have 5 of each if you can afford them. And really. really don't like casters apparently...

4/5 *

I know! Can I really hate casters and buy a full lot of 50 dispelling arrows?

BigNorseWolf wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

You can have 5 of each if you can afford them. And really. really don't like casters apparently...

The PC is good at dispelling(magician bard-dispel focus+eventually greater dispel focus), but it takes extra actions(equip pipes of dissolution-move, activate pipes of dissolution-standard, maintain pipes of dissolution-move, start dweomercraft performance-move, maintain pipes of dissolution-move, cast dispel magic)to be super good at dispelling.

Having the super versions in a weapon would save 2 rounds of actions in combat or make the CL check 2 to 5 higher. I am going with +1 mithral dispelling spiked gauntlet. And at level 13 when i finally play "eyes of the ten", a +1 adamantine vicious dispelling burst rapier. Of course it would also free up a 3rd and fifth level spell and extra spells at full power are always expensive.

The 11th level feat will be destructive dispel, so a fortitude save to stun a caster for 1 round, but the dispel has to work first. So i really want the dispel portion close to automatic. I don't really have a lot of "better" uses for the feats or gold, just similar "meh" type options. So I figure, might as well be really good at a few things than average at a bunch.

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RealAlchemy wrote:
I know! Can I really hate casters and buy a full lot of 50 dispelling arrows?

Dispelling is only listed under melee weapon special abilities, so only a melee weapon can be dispelling.

4/5 *

But, if you then throw that melee weapon and have a blinkback belt...

4/5 *

Meager Rolmug wrote:
RealAlchemy wrote:
I know! Can I really hate casters and buy a full lot of 50 dispelling arrows?
Dispelling is only listed under melee weapon special abilities, so only a melee weapon can be dispelling.

My fault for only looking on Nethys, but to be fair I wasn't looking seriously into buying it yet so I hadn't confirmed from Ultimate Equipment. Another example of "Always check the original source material and look on AR."

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

Meager Rolmug wrote:
And at level 13 when i finally play "eyes of the ten". . .

Friendly “heads-up”: you must be exactly level 12 (33 XP) to start Eyes of the Ten.

Friendly “heads-up”: you must be exactly level 12 (33 XP) to start Eyes of the Ten.

I know,my referring to level 13 was for when bards can cast greater dispel magic. I should have said "when I am playing eyes of the ten".

thanks anyway.

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