Couple Issues

Customer Service

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Hello Paizo,

I haven't been keeping as close attention to my subscriptions due to recent personal matters, and only just realized that I never received Book 5 of Ruins of Azlant (Tower of the Drowned Dead)

I have Book 4 and 6, but not 5.

I hadn't opened my miniatures sub so I thought, maybe they were in that box, but alas not.

Would you be able to send me my copy?

Also - as I'm finding my time and finances taken up with other things at the moment, can you cancel both my subscriptions?

Thanks in advance,


Customer Service Representative

Hello Curmudgeonly,

I'm sorry to hear your package never arrived! I have set up a replacement for you which should be on its way to you soon. You will be receiving an email confirmation for the replacement.

Your subscriptions have been cancelled. You will be receiving an email confirmation.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Thank you Paizo! As always, great customer service! One day, I hope to resub :)

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