1-00 Applying credit to non-pregen afterwards clarification...

Starfinder Society

Hi, I am thinking about running 1-00 and just want to make sure I have this right. If the PCs complete primary and secondary they get 2 fame, 2 rep, and 1350 credits. Before running, if they make a 0 xp character of their own and can have all of this apply to that character?

I am fairly sure that's right except for the credits part. Thanks.

edit: Another thread here says its only 720 creds? And what about XP, does the new custom character get 1 XP?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

The credits are 720, 1 XP, 2 fame and 2 rep if the chronicle is applied to a 1st level character. Otherwise the chronicle is held until 3rd level and receive the rewards listed.

One last unrelated question, what if 2 players wish to play the same pregen? Is that allowed?

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

If there are two copies of the same pregen, they can.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

I would rather have two Iseph’s rather than one Altronus. If doubling up on pregens can prevent that, great. Altronus just does not have enough he can do, and many new players find him frustrating.


Ok, thanks for the tips, I suppose its the future so cloning is np.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Hey, they are twins who happen to the same thing!

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