mount with climb

Rules Questions

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I'm about to run the Ripnugget/Stickfoot fight in RotR, and I'm scratching my head about how to handle the mounted combat with the giant gecko. My questions:

What's the DC of the Ride check for a rider to take his mount onto the walls or ceiling? Is there a chance he'd fall off?

Is there an attack penalty to the rider for attacking while his mount is on the wall or ceiling?

Can a rider use the Ride-by Attack feat to charge, attack, and then run up the wall onto the ceiling? Or use the wall during part of the charge to go around people?

I think this fight could be really fun if Ripnugget is running all over the walls, but I don't know how to run it.



Check the DC of the Climb checks. The gecko can Take 10 on Climb checks, even during combat. Be sure to apply any penalties for encumbrance from the fat goblin that's riding it, and any armor check penalties.

If Taking 10 would result in automatically succeeding the Climb DC, then you don't have to roll Climb checks. If Taking 10 doesn't meet the DC, then you have to roll every time the Gecko moves.

Charging must still be done in a straight line, so Ride-by Attack may be difficult due to the 90 degree angles of walls.


Also, can you please edit your post and remove the names and AP?

I'm actually playing through that AP now =\

I just happen to own that figurine and know who you're talking about.

Liberty's Edge

Take a look at the difficulties involved with various Ride check DCs listed in the CRB, then come up with one for the rider falling out of the saddle. A Military Saddle makes it easier to stay in (kind of the point, actually). Note that the last time I saw a Gecko rider, he informed the judge that he was tying himself into the saddle.

You can go by the target with Ride-By attack, then up a wall if you have Wheeling Charge (Cities of Golarion, page 50)(regional affinity Lastwall required). WC allows one turn of up to 90 degrees during the charge, and it allows you to pass through the squares of allies. Some people maintain that the turn has to be taken after the attack, but the feat doesn't explicitly say so; so ask your judge.


He is the GM. He's running an NPC riding a gecko, and has rules questions about the encounter.

The goblin riding the gecko doesn't have Wheeling Charge.

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