Return of the Runelords- Expected Monsters?

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hey gang! I've been doing some art for tokens for general use, and being cautiously optimistic about the return of the Runelords AP, I figured I'd dip into the boards and see if anyone can help me pinpoint some monsters we might expect to see in this AP.

All we've got to go on for this as of now is of course the Return of the Runelords thread, plus the product description/discussion on the first adventure, Pathfinder Adventure Path #133: Secrets of Roderic's Cove, and some tidbits about the boards and elsewhere from the announcement. That's not much, mind, but I assume some folks who've delved further into the monster side of things (admittedly my least-favorite part of any game- sorry, I'm a weirdo) might have some insights into possibilities I haven't picked up on.

As a starting place, I'm assuming the following creature types/subtypes/varieties might come along:

* Aberrations- Aboleths and sinspawn exist, so 'nuff said
* Celestials- Xanderghul was known to bind celestials into his service like a boss, so I'd expect some might pop up
* Constructs- Clockworks especially, but constructs in general are (literally) forever
* Demons/Devils/Other Evil Outsiders- I've got a few done already but far from all types (to say nothing of unique ones)- demons I'd especially expect
* Dragons- primarily chromatic, I'd guess (though some others might arise- remember, powerful wizards get to force all sorts of crap into servitude)
* Humanoid (Giants)- Still got a lot of these to work on, but it'd seem odd if a rune giant or something didn't pop up
* Undead- Seems all but assured a ghost is gonna come by, the Peacock Spirit's current followers are (mostly) undead, and everyone who writes an AP loves an undead- plus one entire school of magic devoted to necromancy

Even these are pretty generic. We can likely assume a critter of every type will show- a plant here, an ooze there, some fey as a side dish, and a couple vermin sprinkled over it like so much living confetti. So don't take that as some exclusive list.

As for NPCs, there's not much reason to sweat that overmuch. I'll do some Runelord tokens (at least of the ones we have art for- see JJ's comment about the fifty-plus prior Runelords), and obviously we can't guess too far for things beyond that aside from general stuff like "one likely has a mustache."

NOTE: This is not for a product. Like, at all. If I assemble the tokens into a printable form, I'll be putting 'em up for free. This is more for me hoping to use some extra time to jump ahead of a few hundred art pieces by planning in advance- and if I end up doing some that end up unused, well, they still exist for later games, so it's all win-win.

Anyhoo, if you think you have something likely to show up- or even something you hope will show up- lemme know! I'm excited to crack out more artings. :D

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm actually hoping for a fight against the tarrasque, because I'm evil.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Misroi wrote:
I'm actually hoping for a fight against the tarrasque, because I'm evil.

I though that ol' boy was taking a nap somewhere in Casmaron. That said, there's a whole bucket of Rovagug spawn that could be called on. Not really the Runelords' bag, but who am I to say no? :P

I suppose someone could try popping the Oliphaunt of Jandelay, but the most dangerous thing it can do is go back home so that might be anticlimactic.

I would be surprised to see any inquisitors...

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I've added a few monsters to the token pile- namely sinspawn and a froghemoth (I think it's likely to show up, being a favorite of James Jacobs). If anyone has any other ideas, lemme know.

ericthecleric wrote:
I would be surprised to see any inquisitors...

Because no one expects the Runelord inquisition...? O.o

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Artofregicide wrote:
ericthecleric wrote:
I would be surprised to see any inquisitors...
Because no one expects the Runelord inquisition...? O.o

That's right! (OK, it was a feeble joke.)

Silver Crusade

Hounds of Tindalos I suspect will make an appearance.

Every time you go to the coast you get Bunyips

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hounds of Tindalos are already in the collection- bunyips are not (yet). But they could and likely will be.

Lamias I desperately want to do, but reference material on the ground's iffy, at best. Even good reference art works poorly since I need to find a way to display that they're non-humanoid below the waist. Which means I'll have to come up with my own thing- that'll be a "next month" type deal, for sure.

As an aside, Runelords are also on the 'to-do" pile- Sorshen just got her art, which you can see here.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
JohnHawkins wrote:


Every time you go to the coast you get Bunyips

I am an Australian and can confirm this as true. They can really ruin a good BBQ during the mating season. Real territorial.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Got a bunyip knocked out earlier today, so that's covered. I'll have to do a reefclaw as well since those pop up with alarming frequency any time "Varisia" and "Coast" appear.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thassilon society in general was big on enslaving giants to do their labor.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Revan wrote:
Thassilon society in general was big on enslaving giants to do their labor.

I've got a few giants done so far, but I might make 'em a higher priority to polish off than they'd been. they do make for fitting foes, in a Thassilonian context. Certainly a rune giant or two won't go amiss.

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