Where's the VTT action happening?

Pathfinder Society

** Venture-Agent, Oregon—Portland

After hearing about VTTs, I thought I might like to try playing a VTT game. Looking for PFS games on Fantasy Grounds and Roll20, it looks like there's not much going on, though. Is everything happening on some other site, or are there a lot of games going on which are private, or at least not visible to someone without a paid account?

Silver Crusade 3/5 5/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Online—PbP

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I believe most of the recruitment for VTT games happens on the Discord servers. You could try http://pfschat.com/ and someone there should be able to help you out.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

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Yep, Redelia has it right. Discord is where all the PFS VTT action happens. It’s a non-stop gaming smorgasbord. Want in? Start by joining our PFS Online chat here on our dedicated Discord server:

Post in the #Looking4Game channel and say hi! Tell them you’re new and ask if anyone’s got a game starting up.

It is a very friendly bunch, but the VOs — Stuntmonkey, Finegas, Hels and Ironhelixx are amazing. So are non-VOs Patate and Big Norse Wolf, who are very friendly and helpful to new comers.

Speaking of Big Norse Wolf, he wrote Flutter’s Guide to Branching Out, a non-techie’s guide to getting involved with online play.

Your best bet is to just dive in!


Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

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Greetings and salutation Nekome :D As the two above me mentioned the discord is where most of our Organized Play is organized, be it Pathfinder or Starfinder. We mainly run on roll20 there, but any VTT will do, and use Discord for the voice chat.

If you have any specific questions feel free to ask me either here on the forums either publicly or via PM, or on the discord channel.

We also have a convention coming up at the end of January that is purely played on Roll20 if your interested i'll link its warhorn, the site we use to do signups, below:


Finegas, Venture Captain for VTT Play

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

TPKon 5

Because links are good!

Venture Captain for Play-by-Post
(So... you really want to ask Finegas, because he’s the VTT expert and all!)

5/5 *****

There is also the pfs online Google group.

President, SmiteWorks

There is a Discord server for Fantasy Grounds as well and a channel just for Pathfinder Society.

Here is the channel invite:

There is also a section on our forums for Pathfinder Society:
https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?71-Pathfinder-Societ y-Games

** Venture-Agent, Oregon—Portland

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Thanks, everyone! I've gotten set up with Discord and signed up for a TPKon session.

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