Can you start a second faction journal card if you haven't checked everything on the first?

Pathfinder Society

Scarab Sages 3/5

If you haven't completed all the boxes on your faction journal card, can you still start checking boxes on cards from a later season? I have a character who has checked all but one box on his original card and the remaining box he is very unlikely to ever be able to check but I'd be happy to check goals on newer card(s).


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

There is a paragraph explaining exactly this in great detail on page one of the faction cards, under Additional Cards:

Example from Season 8:
The organized play campaign will release additional Faction Journal Cards to reflect each faction’s evolving goals and its ties to the
current season’s objectives at the beginning of a season. A PC joining a faction can only acquire the most recent version of a faction’s
card; however, a PC who has checked at least one box on an earlier faction card may still continue to fulfill its goals and earn its
rewards even into the new season. The number of goals completed is measured by those fulfilled on that card only—goals completed
on a different Faction Journal Card do not contribute to those on the first card.
Each Faction Journal Card provides one or more new rewards as well as at least one reward that appeared during a previous
season. If a PC would receive a duplicate reward that she earned on a previous card, she instead treats her effective number of goals
completed on all cards as though it were one higher. These bonuses stack—if she earned a duplicate reward on two season’s cards, she
treats her effective number of goals completed as two higher.
For example, Ambrus Valsin has completed five of the goals on the Season 7 card, and he begins working on the Season 8 card.
When he fulfills two goals on the new card, he earns the Explorer boon—the same boon he earned on his previous card. Instead of
gaining two uses of Explorer, he gains benefits from the boon as though he had fulfilled six goals instead of five. He does not unlock
any other rewards on the Season 8 card, but he increases the benefit of boons that scale based on the number of goals completed

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Yes. And it makes it infinitely easier to fill both out if you check the rarest box you can after each mission.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

1 person marked this as a favorite.

As always, only one box can be checked per adventure (unless the card allows otherwise).

Scarab Sages 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks - should have read the cards more carefully!

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Gary Bush wrote:
As always, only one box can be checked per adventure (unless the card allows otherwise).

Or if one has a Boon that says otherwise...

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
Gary Bush wrote:
As always, only one box can be checked per adventure (unless the card allows otherwise).
Or if one has a Boon that says otherwise...

There are boons that allow someone to check more than one box on a faction card? Interesting....

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