Wait... Elves need HOW much sleep!?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Bwang wrote:
I still classify them as vermin.

If opossums could keep me from getting stabbed several times in my sleep i'd keep em around

Ridiculon wrote:
Bwang wrote:
I still classify them as vermin.
If opossums could keep me from getting stabbed several times in my sleep i'd keep em around

Point taken and I'd agree. But they're vermin, too.

Bwang wrote:
I still classify them as vermin.

I wonder if the Golarion equivalent of a chihuahua is an owlbear.

I mean what twisted profane arcanist would dream up such distortion of the natural order?*

*applies to both creatures

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Bwang wrote:
I still classify them as vermin.

What, are they kender? :P

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Ha funny(weird not ha ha) story we had a dm and he would roll encounters per persons watch. So the more watches the greater chance of an encounter. I think he just didn't think about the implications. so we eventually decided to have one watch a night so we always had one party member going without sleep fortunately we had a 6 person party. Of course we couldn't make the cleric or wizard do it cause they needed spells. Every day wed have a character that was massively sleep deprived. we stayed in towns whenever possible.

that would be a sad DM..

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He learned what we were doing pretty quickly so he stopped doing it that way but for about 2-3 session it was a running joke.

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