Adventure advice, Iomedae vs Hellknights


So my RotR PC's just finished Fortress of the Stone Giants and I'd like to take some time away from the adventure to do some character development. I have a pretty good hook idea for the our cleric and paladin, both worshipers of Iomedea.

They're back story is that they were both in the Chelish navy but the cleric discovered a secret that House Thrune would prefer be destroyed and forgotten so she ran to Varisia. The Paladin chased after her for deserting her position but when they met up they both agreed that gaining strength and returning to expose this secret would help the greater good. so they both devoted themselves to the Inheritor and have been in hiding until they were unexpectedly thrust in the events of RotR. Know that their names are know Cheliax has sent a bounty with the Order of the Nail Hellknights to collect them and return them to Cheliax.

I'm really seeing if you folks could help me come up with a way for them to overcome this obstacle. They both, along with the rest of the party, have decided to face whatever comes at them. But I'm kinda worried how would they possibly win against a Hellknight order and the ire of Thrune while still keeping them interested in finishing the campaign?

Maybe talk to Order of the Scourge. This level of corruption is definitely something they're opposed against, and they can leverage against the nail in the PCs favor since several laws were broken in hunting them down.

Ultimate Intrigue has some cool court ideas if you're interested. At the very least, Order of the Scourge should be able to protect you from other Hellknights.

Wowzers! That's awesome! Thanks the gears are turning haha

It also is very convenient for helping to have a Lawful rebellion, and avoid a Paladin falling type of scenario.

Like when in Daredevil how they turn to leverage the police and legal system to fight corruption.

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That said, the Order of the Godclaw also reveres Iomedae, so that could add some fun twists if you introduce them as a wildcard.

If you're trying to keep the focus on RotRL while still addressing this side-story, you could have something insinuate that if the PCs accomplish some of the goals in RotRL they may garner enough influence themselves to be able to do something about their side-adventure situation (ex. maybe throw in a sentient weapon or other artifact that ties in with the origins of the Hellknight orders pre-Thrune that would give the other Hellknights pause or get them out of being hunted somehow.)

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