Overcoming Barbarian DR / - with Coldiron, Silver and Enchantment

Rules Questions

So I'm wanting to play a Barbarian but don't understand DR/- fully. I was fighting a Demon earlier this month and it had DR of 5 against physical attacks. Though we could negate this DR with Coldiron, Silver and Enchantment. So can an enemy negate my DR through those options?


DR #/Cold Iron means Cold Iron bypasses it.

DR #/- means nothing bypasses it.

Thx Komoda.

Nothing will bypass DR/- unless it ignores all damage reduction, such as a paladin's smite evil.

You can review the damage reduction rules here.

When fighting a character with DR/-, the way to deal with it is:

with big attacks like with Vital Strike that put lots of damage all in 1 punch and so the DR only gets applied the once. If my attack does 40 points of damage, I won't be super upset if your DR negates 5.

energy. "Kill it with Fire!" A Flaming sword will still do Flame Damage. DR isn't Fire Resistance.

my favorite way to get around DR is Grappling. Get your opponent Grappled and Tied Up, and it doesn't matter what his DR is or even how many hit points he has.

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