pjrogers |

This second question came out of discussions rather than play last night. I'm working on my first druid character and am trying to understand the relationship between wild shape, natural attacks, and the Dragon Style feat.
I would like to be able to use Dragon Style while wild shaped (as a big cat since I'm a lion shaman). I'm primarily interested in the charge advantages gained by the feat and less interested in the strength bonus addition gained with my first attack on a charge round.
Can I pick up the Dragon Style feat without first getting Feral Combat Training and its prerequisite Weapon Focus (natural weapon being used), if I don't use the strength bonus portion of the feat while wild shaped and thus using natural weapons?
Does it matter whether or not I enter the Dragon Style stance before or after I wild shape? I wouldn't have natural attacks before I wild shape so perhaps if I only use the feat while non-wild shaped, I don't need to pick up Feral Combat Training? Then once the stance has been activated, I could wild shape and use Dragon Style's charge benefits. I'm personally a little dubious about this argument but thought I should ask it anyway.

Fuzzy-Wuzzy |

Can I pick up the Dragon Style feat without first getting Feral Combat Training and its prerequisite Weapon Focus (natural weapon being used), if I don't use the strength bonus portion of the feat while wild shaped and thus using natural weapons?
Does it matter whether or not I enter the Dragon Style stance before or after I wild shape? I wouldn't have natural attacks before I wild shape so perhaps if I only use the feat while non-wild shaped, I don't need to pick up Feral Combat Training? Then once the stance has been activated, I could wild shape and use Dragon Style's charge benefits. I'm personally a little dubious about this argument but thought I should ask it anyway.
It doesn't matter when you enter the stance. Once you're in it, the ability to charge through allies and difficult terrain works, period. If you want the damage bonus you need to either be using an UAS or have taken Feral Combat Training, as you say, but simply forgetting about it is a fine option.

Evilserran |

That was my take too Fuzzy-Wuzzy, I am the Druid in his local group that does that, that was in the discussion :) I use the dragon style to charge through terrain, and allies, then forego the additional damage to attack, while in a raptor type form most of the time. Losing out on 2-5 damage (dependant on size) is negligible compared to the pounce capacity and mobility.

blahpers |

Feral Combat Training is not a prerequisite for Dragon Style nor is it required to gain its benefits. Feral Combat Training only comes into play when making natural attacks. You can take Dragon Style and benefit even if you're a greatsword warrior--you just won't get a lot of use out of the unarmed strike damage buff. Wild shape timing has no bearing on any of this. Go nuts, dragon raptor!