Building Thor


Wondering what people think about this build:
Human - Weapon Focus: Light Hammer
Fighter 1- Startoss Style
Fighter Bonus: Point Blank Shot
Fighter 2- Precise Shot
Fighter 3- Startoss Comet
Fighter 4- Deadly Aim
Fighter 5- Startoss Shower
Fighter 6- Weapon Specialization: Light Hammer

So with a +1 Returning Shocking Light Hammer you’re looking at +7 to hit before Dex and 1d4+1d6+15 Damage.
Alternatively, you could go Fighter 4/Kineticist 6 to get Flight by level 10, and use a Conductive weapon instead of the Shocking. In this case, would the weapon do the Kinetic Blast Damage to all enemies hit by it in a round or just the first?
Are there any archetypes that would benefit this idea?


Ok few things to note here:

Conductive can only be used once per round.

You also should use Ricochet Toss instead of Returning, because Returning is kinda garbage. Grab Focused Weapon AWT to gain a scaling damage dice for your weapon, and Flight Mastery to cast Fly through your weapon (made easy with the Item Mastery AWT).

I love it. That’s even better since it’s Mjolnir that lets Thor fly. Lol Thanks so much!

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Here's a little snapshot of something I made up real quick. Add in stuff like Rapid Shot and you can add in another hit with the hammer.

Human fighter (weapon master) 9

+1 shock light hammer +19/+14 (1d8+20 plus 1d6 electricity)

Feats: Advanced Weapon Training, Advanced Weapon Training, Deadly Aim, Flight Mastery, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Ricochet Toss, Startoss Comet, Startoss Shower, Startoss Style, Weapon Focus (light hammer).

Let's you fly a couple times per day and throw your hammer around like a mofo. Ricochet Toss let's you hit the same enemy multiple times so you can still do stuff when you encounter lone enemies.

I also recommend a Belt of Mighty Hurling if you can afford one.

See this recent thread on the same subject.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

My recommendation, based on someone who tried and did a horrible job with a bunch of gimmicks that failed to weather combat?


Come up with your own ideas, perhaps use it as a bit of inspiration, but don't tie yourself to the idea.

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