Wrath of the Righteous - Mythic Build... Critique Welcome


So I am finally going to get to play Wrath of the Righteous HOPEFULLY start to finish. I have waited so long to do this.

So I am designing my Mythic Build...

Here's the deal:
I am *not* Power Gaming. I am *not* trying to break the game. I am aware that my ideas aren't super powerful. I just wanted to do something fun.

So here is my goal...

To become a God.


Okay, now saying you want to become a God right after saying you aren't Power Gaming seems weird. In this case I literally mean the Pathfinder definition of a God.

As in I want to be able to have followers who are 9th level divine casters, who get a full suit of Domains and Spells from me.

So with that said, let us begin.


This is my plan for Path Abilities:

Note: I don't know when if you get all 10 tiers, I assume a maximum of 9, if there is a 10, don't tell me.


Mythic Tier:

1st - Mythic Ability
Mythic Feat - Dual Path: Champion
Path Ability: Relentless Healing

2nd -
+2 Strength
Path Ability: Impossible Speed

3rd -
Mythic Feat - Extra Path Ability
Path Ability: Fleet Warrior
Path Ability: Enhanced Ability I - +2 Dexterity

4th -
+2 Charisma
Path Ability: Divine Source I

5th -
Mythic Feat - Mythic Two Weapon Fighting
Path Ability: Enduring Blessing I

6th -
+2 Strength
Path Ability: Enduring Blessing II

7th -
Mythic Feat - ???
Path Ability: Divine Source II

8th -
+2 Charisma
Path Ability: Enhanced Ability II - Charisma

9th -
Mythic Feat - ???
Path Ability: Divine Source III - LOL full God.

10th -
Path Ability: LOL Not going to happen.

So my class is Paladin.

The goal of my character is to be a two weapon fighter with Longswords, eventually. The character primarily serves Iomedae, but also venerates Arshae. Unfortunately Paladins are pretty MAD to setting this up properly is very hard to do.

While I have all my stats, the ones I find important are:

Strength, Dexterity, Charisma

These are 18/12/16 to start.

Because Mythic gives me regular raises to stats, which I have broken up to Strength/Charisma I plan to spend the first bit buffing up, of all things, my Dexterity. So, I'll be dumping my Level 4, 8, and 12 +1's into Dexterity... I'm doing this because I'm hoping I'll be nearing level 12 by the time I hit Mythic Tier 3 and get the Enhanced stat. Since I start with a 12, 15 from Stat Raises, 17 from that... Enough for Improved TWF.

Note: I don't know when you get the Mythic Tiers either, so some of this could be faulty, don't tell me when, but if you think this won't work, let me know. Thanks.

So here is my thinking:
Ability score raises: Yeah, I know that people want to tell me to probably throw it all into Strength. Strength means hitting harder. Strength means hitting more often. Strength is the most important stat. You're right, probably, but lemme know if this works regardless...

Having never played WotR - Will I gimp myself if I diversify?

1st Tier - I would be able to bring recently killed allied back from the dead. This is cool.

2nd Tier - I would be able to move fast, as someone in Heavy Armor who will have a Movement Speed of 20. Moving 50 in Heavy Armor? Sweet!

3rd Tier - I can hopefully be Dual Wielding Longswords, as long as I get an Effortless Lace on one of them. With the other ability I can move and full attack too! Nice! Blinding speed and slashing blades! I think it is cinematic in my mind.

4th Tier - A minor God am I. I can now have full Paladins! Cool! I also get to cast a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level domain spell once a day. Neat.

One cool thing I might do with this, since Good will be one of my domains, is when I hit Tier 8... If I have invested Crafting... Maybe... Uhm. Maybe taking one of the Mythic Crafting feats... And surprising everyone by Crafting my own Holy Avenger(s) Because I can cast Holy Aura by that point? I know *for a fact* I won't be going to Paladin 20 by the way. Not only does the capstone suck, but... Well... I have wanted to do a character that really used the Celestial Obedience thing for Arshae... So, in this one case... I plan on dipping into Scaled Fist Unchained Monk at one point... So I can add my Charisma to my AC. I can also use Arshae to get an Armor bonus equal to my Charisma. Since they're two separate kinds of bonuses... To my knowledge they stack as they aren't stacking the same kind of bonus...

The idea of this character that basically doesn't wear armor because they are a minor god, who is protected by their divine power, is just cool to me I know it isn't optimal but... Continuing on...

5th Tier - Mythic Two Weapon fighting and power that extends all 10 minute per level powers to 24 hours. There are very few Paladin spells that do that. Which is fine... This is a Mythic Tier tax...

6th Tier - HOLY... Literally... Now my Paladin Spells last for 24 hours? Angelic Aspect, Lesser, Angelic Aspect, and Angelic Aspect, Greater... I can be an Angel 24 7! COOL!

7th Tier - Another Domain and 2 Subdomains. This doesn't do much, but it means I'm already an Angel 24/7 and now I have 3 Domains! I'm almost ready to officially lay claim to being an Empyreal Lord!

8th Tier - Buffing up Charisma. Moving on. Maybe this one is a bad idea?

9th Tier - 4 Domains, 4 Sub-Domains this is as close as you can get to being a legitimate God in pathfinder by the rules. If I have followers they can get 9th level spells, they have a full domain suite to choose from and I am Immortal... I mean... There ya go.

10th Tier - Look I don't think we'll see 10th tier. So I am not planning anything for it. Knowing me I'd take like Interplanar Prestige.


Things I have been looking at...

Maybe dumping the two enhanced abilities and instead just burning one of the bonuses to Charisma or Strength to Dex then taking Divine Potency twice? Originally I was thinking of trying to take Divine Potency 4 times... I mean, +4 Paladin spells to each Paladin Spell level? That is pretty potent. However I decided that the become a God thing would be more interesting.


Feedback is desired and welcome.

Unless your GM is putting in multiple hours to rewrite every single encounter in Book 4 and later you will be incredibly powerful unless you do almost nothing. The Paladin in my group did 750+ damage a round at level 20 without trying , if he put an effort in he could and did pass 2000 damage in one round

You will be level 20 Tier 10 as written at the end of the AP and minor issues like Demon Lords will be inconsequential to you. I have done the Paladin of Arshea thing in another game and it works as well as armour generally I used a dip into Oracle to replace dex bonus with Cha and pre-nerfed Nereids Grace but you have a decent dex.

Champion is great for killing things as it means you almost always get a full attack after spending a mythic point. Mythic Power attack is an obvious choice as you will already have insane accuracy .
Your build will do less damage (probably) than the one I Saw as GM but as noted unless your GM puts more effort than I did and is willing to multiply enemy hp by 20 or so then optimisation is not needed to just have fun.

Your GM will probably not , I didn't from Book 5 onwards.

JohnHawkins wrote:

Unless your GM is putting in multiple hours to rewrite every single encounter in Book 4 and later you will be incredibly powerful unless you do almost nothing. The Paladin in my group did 750+ damage a round at level 20 without trying , if he put an effort in he could and did pass 2000 damage in one round

You will be level 20 Tier 10 as written at the end of the AP and minor issues like Demon Lords will be inconsequential to you. I have done the Paladin of Arshea thing in another game and it works as well as armour generally I used a dip into Oracle to replace dex bonus with Cha and pre-nerfed Nereids Grace but you have a decent dex.

Champion is great for killing things as it means you almost always get a full attack after spending a mythic point. Mythic Power attack is an obvious choice as you will already have insane accuracy .
Your build will do less damage (probably) than the one I Saw as GM but as noted unless your GM puts more effort than I did and is willing to multiply enemy hp by 20 or so then optimisation is not needed to just have fun.

Your GM will probably not , I didn't from Book 5 onwards.

Right - Well I mean... I'm... I don't see how I could get to 2000 damage in one round.

I mean... Mythic Power Attack is nice, but it's just +3 damage every 4 levels. That is exactly what I get out of a 2 handed power attack. I mean, I'm only looking at my build here and... Like...

I'll have a Strength of 22 in my high teens... Before Magical Items... So like... You know... 28 max? That is +9

If we assume the insane +5 Weapon potential... Like, Okay, that is, like at level 16:

1d8+5+9+15 - I mean, that is good, 1d8+29 but... 2000 damage? Not with this guy. What did I miss?

Edit to add:

I mean, I guess on a Charisma 24 Smite (I mean, I am a crafter so I'll have good boosting items)? Like, at level 16, if all attacks hit (and I am power attacking)

(Edit - Had to Adjust Numbers)

Assuming all weapons are +5, maybe assuming Holy, and assuming this is the first hit on a demon after smite...

1d8+2d6+59 (avg. 70-71)
1d8+2d6+44 (avg. 55-56)
1d8+2d6+44 (avg. 55-56)
1d8+2d6+44 (avg. 55-56)
1d8+2d6+44 (avg. 55-56)
1d8+2d6+44 (avg. 55-56)

That is potentially 348 damage, but I mean, I have seen that happen in regular play.

Oh the reason for the decent dex is because of this:

If you go Charisma to AC, you end up with the following:

(assuming a 24 Charisma)

10+7(Dex Replacement)+7(Armor Bonus from Arshae)+7(Deflection Bonus from Smite Evil)

10+21 = 31 AC - Which is nice, and then any Enhancement Bonuses from clothing and what not.

vs the Scaled Fist Un. Monk - Assuming a 24 Charisma, and a 24 Dexterity

10+7(Dex)+7(Wisdom, Replaced with Charisma)+7(Armor Bonus from Arshae)+7(Deflection Bonus from Smite Evil)

10+28 = 38 AC - Which is nicer, and I get to remain full BAB - Also the Monk gives me a free Dodge Feat, so... Yeah. 39 AC before Enhancement Bonuses.

Which is about the extent of my power gaming, I just didn't want to give up a point of BAB so this way seemed like it worked, and for the character's backstory since she has ties to that geographical region it made sense within the context of the story.

It did not take a lot of effort to get that damage

He had Str 42 after magic items, wish spells, Cha 40 and Con 26 other stats much lower
He was using a greatsword
+27 Power attack
+5 enhancement
+24 strength
+4 morale (mythic heroism)
+24 Smite (Silver smite Bracers)
total 3d6 +84 +2d6 holy

at +61 To hit and hit even if he rolled a 1
On average he got 1 crit , he did not have mythic Improved Crit as I had banned it, I also banned the extra power attack on a crit.

He would on average get 1 crit per turn( 6 attacks with a 20% chance of crit each)
which comes on average to 95*7 +7*6= 717 damage in an statistically average round, hardly worth rolling the dice that just happens to anything with an AC of less than 62

(I think he could do better than this with some extra buffs like divine favor and hunters bond from the Ranger)

Against a foe worth noticing the Wizard would punch an extended Litany of Righteousness through with the use of a limited wish to cast it.
So that goes up to 95*13+42

He had a legendary weapon so he could spend mythic points on Foe Biter which doubles damage , last time I checked there where 2 opinions on how this worked I just added another multiplier it 'could' have doubled everything.
which takes us to 95*19 +42 on an average turn for 1847, add in a few extra buffs and if he rolled well and got 2 or 3 crits he could easily beat 2000 damage.

This did not involve powergaming much
By RAW each crit should have been worth an extra 48 damage from power attack
and improved critical mythic would add an extra 95 per crit (+another 24 from power attack) this would make the damage even worse)

So in an average round he automatically kills a CR29 Demon Lord without the rest of the party doing anything. The Rangers pet Badger soloed a none mythic Balor.

The motto of this story is don't worry about not optimising enough.

The story and characters are great, mythic rules are ****

Greater 2 weapon fighting with longsword
6 attacks with main weapon, 4 with off hand we will assume 1 crit and a +6 strength boost item, now you have not taken the mythic power precision so your iterative attacks may miss, but you will have a good charisma , I suspect you will have trouble missing AC 47.
So each weapon (I assume +5 Holy, you are a paladin and so you only need to buy 1 of them)
Main hand 1d8 + 18 (power)+10 strength +5 enhancment +23 smite (silver smite bracers are cheap) +2d6
off hand 1d8 +9 +5 +5+23+2d6

Call it one crit with the main hand weapon
61*7+7*6 +off hand 47*4 +4*7

So I expect you to do about 685 damage a round at level 20/10 and you could end up with better particularly if your party has a bard or someone puts a litany of righteousness on the target

Also I would expect a charisma of 34 after using wish spells (level 20 characters have a lot of cash, mine had a lot more than WBL and I had not allowed crafting)
So AC of 43 plus any natural armour , not that bad. The Two handed weapon paladin had 39, the shield using ranger had 63 and my best arshea .(The Wizard had about 15 as he realised he could not get it high enough and depended on magic for defense)

Uhm... John... Uh, I dunno how to say this to you, but something was weird with your WotR campaign.

The module doesn't go to Mythic Tier 10, or Level 20. It stops around level 18 Mythic Tier 9.

Edit: Technically it does from my understanding, but you're not like in a city or anything from how it was told to me. So you can get it, but you never have the resources. If this is incorrect, I apologize as I haven't played it or read it only been explained things when I asked a question.

How... How were your stats getting that high? I mean, you shouldn't have Wish spells to toss around willy nilly like that. You're talking about 10 Wish spells, which you can't purchase as spellcasting by the rules (they are too expensive to be considered available.) so unless you have someone who can cast it, but then you run into weird problems that way too.

If you are getting 10 Wish spells, you're looking at 25k diamonds per spell, that is 250,000 of your maximum 880,000 WBL at level 20, but since the game doesn't go that high, you'd be eating all of that on your level 18, that is if you have someone who can cast it.

But you can't because the level you get that spell, 17th, you are supposedly already locked in the final dungeon, meaning you can't get the material component for the spell.

Even if you could, since you can't buy Wish Spells by the rules, and since no caster in the PC's party can possibly have enough spells to cast 5 successive Wish Spells back to back. The only way to do that is to purchase 5 Wish Scrolls per attribute, and you'd have to buy them all before level 17 when you still are able to, if you are able to, as that isn't readily available...

288,250 would be the cost of 10 scrolls, which since you'd be buying them off of your level 16 WBL you only have 315,000 co, you'd be down to not enough to outfit yourself, certainly not with +5 weapons.

I think your GM botched the campaign up and that is what caused it to not be fun for you.

Or, it looks like you over-optimized a bit which could do it. No pathfinder AP is designed for you to go all out like that. You aren't supposed to get 10 wish spells to 2 stats and the like... Like in my case...

I mean, assuming everything works out...

In my case... If my projections are at all accurate... My base stats will look like this at level 20..


Assuming I could get 10 Wish spells somehow, and could apply them, I'd do 1 to Dex, 5 to Charisma, and 4 to Strength


Assuming +6 to Strength, Dex, and Con, as well as +6 to Wis, Cha (I am a crafter I should be able to pull that off, especially since I am saving but not wearing armor)


Maybe if I tossed on another attack? And I am not saying you're wrong, but it sounds kind of like you went all out to optimize a bit, which isn't really my goal here.

Though, from what you are telling me, I will be fine build-wise and I shouldn't utterly break it.


Edit, to add:

I guess the flip side to this is, I mean, a lot of this doesn't look like a problem with Mythic. Just a problem being high level. So I can't blame the module for that.

Also this is just assuming I could, I don't think I would, because that would destroy the fun of the game.

HWalsh wrote:

Uhm... John... Uh, I dunno how to say this to you, but something was weird with your WotR campaign.

The module doesn't go to Mythic Tier 10, or Level 20. It stops around level 18 Mythic Tier 9.

Per the advancement track, the PCs should be Level 18, Mythic Tier 9 at the end of book 5... there's a sixth book.

PossibleCabbage wrote:
HWalsh wrote:

Uhm... John... Uh, I dunno how to say this to you, but something was weird with your WotR campaign.

The module doesn't go to Mythic Tier 10, or Level 20. It stops around level 18 Mythic Tier 9.

Per the advancement track, the PCs should be Level 18, Mythic Tier 9 at the end of book 5... there's a sixth book.

Ah, hence why I said I didn't know. Didn't wanna spoil it for myself.

I mean you telling me doesn't spoil it I mean I didn't wanna look in the module.

I ran the campaign entirely as written (CLARIFY I was the GM) except for spending a huge amount of time improving the characteristics of every single encounter. I do that for most AP's as I enjoy it and I often have a slightly large group who are somewhat competent at optimising. For this AP I had to go to levels undreamed of.

I thought that Adventures 2 and 4 were Brilliantly written, 1,3 and 6 were quite good and 5 was a bit weak but that is true of most AP's that not all sections are equal in a readers eyes. Book 4 in particular was one of the best I read.

How with a level 18-20 party and around a million gold can you not get Access to Wish spells? In none mythic campaigns my players use them

I make 0 effort to optimise in this thread ,I could optimise this but to do that I would change your mythic purchases and that would be wrong.

The Level 20 mythic 10 wizard cast all the wish spells at level 17 or 18 I can't remember and you don't want to know when they had the down time , he could cast over 20 a day using mythic points so there was no problem getting them cast the paladin used 8 to boost 2 stats.
(Disclaimer , the stats I Quoted use a +8 Enhancement bonus to Str and Con from a Heart of the Mammoth spell which is a bit obscure so many would be 2 less)

Not going to get into an arguement about mythic , been there done that . It's broken. The AP is good, the mythic rules are not. I regularly run High level games the problems with mythic where an order of magnitude worse than normal (The level 20 Antipaladin Graveknight from way of the Wicked was far , far , far less dangerous than this and no one can cast more than 20 wish spells in a day normally (or other 9th level spells I won't mention the more dangerous combinations which break the game))

Your build is fine it will utterly break combat but any Paladin/fighter/Ranger/Barbarian/Bloodrager build will . The one I had was two handed Paladin with a greastsword by someone in his first PF campaign all he did really was take power attack.
I will say that the AP often puts the characters under time pressure so you may not get time to do much crafting in the later books . I let my PC Wizard retrain his crafting feats when I realised how little time he would have and in most campaigns I have players crafing a lot of their gear.

Sorry for my negativity , my players enjoyed the entire campaign and hopefully so will you and hopefully your GM will have the stamina to finish it

My 20 minute optimised 2wf Paladin he is under budget on WBL Expected 838 damage per round increaseing with the use of legendary weapon and Litany of Righteousness.

No spoilers for the AP and the only buff spell cast is haste, my party never engaged without haste the familiar had a wand of haste


Unnamed Hero
Azata-blooded aasimar (musetouched) unchained monk 2/paladin 19/Champion 10 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Angels 22, Pathfinder Player Companion: Legacy of Dragons 14, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 7, Pathfinder Unchained 14)
N Medium outsider (native)
Hero Points 1
Init +25; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
Aura courage (10 ft.), faith (10 ft.), justice (10 ft.), resolve (10 ft.), righteousness (10 ft.)
AC 60, touch 52, flat-footed 44 (+8 armor, +13 Cha, +13 deflection, +15 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 363 (21d10+153)
Fort +29, Ref +38, Will +25
Defensive Abilities evasion, hard to kill, mythic saving throws, unstoppable; DR 5/evil; Immune charm, compulsion, disease, fear; Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 60 ft.
Melee +5 holy gladius +51/+51/+51/+51/+51 (1d6+61/17-20/×3 plus 2d6 vs. evil) or
. . +5 holy gladius +51/+51/+51/+51 (1d6+52/17-20/×3 plus 2d6 vs. evil) or
. . unarmed strike +44/+44/+44/+44/+44/+44 (1d6+56)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 11/day (DC 32, 10d6), flurry of blows (unchained), mythic power (23/day, surge +1d12), smite evil 7/day (+13 attack and AC, +23 damage), stunning fist (6/day, DC 33)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 21st; concentration +34)
. . 1/day—glitterdust (DC 25)
Paladin Spell-Like Abilities (CL 19th; concentration +32)
. . At will—detect evil
Paladin Spells Prepared (CL 16th; concentration +29)
Str 17, Dex 40, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 36
Base Atk +21; CMB +32; CMD 76
Feats Double Slice, Greater Two-weapon Fighting, Improved Critical[M], Improved Two-weapon Fighting, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack[M], Slashing Grace[ACG], Stunning Fist, Two-weapon Fighting[M], Two-weapon Grace, Weapon Finesse[M], Weapon Focus (short sword)[M]
Skills Acrobatics +15 (+27 to jump), Diplomacy +15; Racial Modifiers +2 Diplomacy
Languages Celestial, Common, Primordial
SQ amazing initiative, fleet charge[MA], fleet warrior[MA], force of will, hero points, immortal, lay on hands 22/day (9d6), legendary champion, legendary hero, legendary item[MA], legendary item[MA], legendary item[MA], mythic smite[MA], precision[MA], precision[MA], precision[MA], prestige unseen court, prestige-flint, prestige-risur, recuperation
Other Gear +5 holy gladius[UC], +5 holy gladius[UC], belt of physical perfection +6, bracers of armor +8, headband of alluring charisma +6, silver smite bracelet[APG]
Special Abilities
Amazing Initiative (1/round) (Ex) As a free action, use 1 power to gain an extra standard action (can't be used to cast a spell).
Aura of Courage +4 (10 ft.) (Su) Allies in aura gain a morale bonus to saves vs. fear.
Aura of Faith (10 ft.) (Su) Attacks vs. foes in range bypass DR as good-aligned. Own attacks always count as good.
Aura of Justice (10 ft.) (Su) As a standard action use 2 smite evil, allies in area gain smite at your bonus for 1 min.
Aura of Resolve +4 (10 ft.) (Su) Allies in aura gain a morale bonus to saves vs. charm.
Aura of Righteousness +4 (10 ft.) (Su) Allies in aura gain a morale bonus to saves vs. compulsion.
Damage Reduction (5/evil) You have Damage Reduction against all except Evil attacks.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use detect evil at will (as the spell).
Energy Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Evasion (Ex) If succeed on Reflex save for half dam, take none instead.
Fleet Charge (Ex) As a swift action, use 1 power to move speed & attack (+10 bonus, bypass all DR).
Fleet Warrior (Ex) You may move up to your full speed before or after making a full attack.
Flurry of Blows (Unchained) (Ex) As full-rd action, gain extra attacks with unarmed strike/monk weapons.
Force of Will (Ex) As an immediate action, use 1 power to reroll any d20, or force non-mythic to reroll.
Hard to Kill (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2.
Hero Points Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
Immortal (Su) Ressurrect next day, unless killed by an artifact's crit.
Immunity to Charm You are immune to charm effects.
Immunity to Compulsion You are immune to compulsion.
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Immunity to Fear (Ex) You are immune to all fear effects.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Lay on Hands (9d6 hit points, 22/day) (Su) As a standard action (swift on self), touch channels positive energy and applies mercies.
Legendary Champion (Ex) On a miss against a non-mythic foe, reroll and take 2nd result. Activate when roll 20 to regain 1 power.
Legendary Hero (Su) One use of mythic power is regained each hr.
Mythic Saving Throws (Ex) A successful save negates all effects from a non-mythic source.
Mythic Smite (Su) Recover 1 smite w/mythic power, attacks vs. evil creatures bypass DR for rest of turn.
Paladin Channel Positive Energy 10d6 (11/day, DC 32) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Power Attack [Mythic] Use 1 power to eliminate attack penalties of Power attack for 1 min.
Prestige (Flint): 0 Most fantasy adventurers are “free agents,” with no boss but themselves, usually out on the edge of civilization with few allies they can call on in a pinch. In Zeitgeist, though, you and your fellow PCs may want to call in favors from the RHC, t
Prestige (Risur): 0 Most fantasy adventurers are “free agents,” with no boss but themselves, usually out on the edge of civilization with few allies they can call on in a pinch. In Zeitgeist, though, you and your fellow PCs may want to call in favors from the RHC, t
Prestige (Unseen): 0 Most fantasy adventurers are “free agents,” with no boss but themselves, usually out on the edge of civilization with few allies they can call on in a pinch. In Zeitgeist, though, you and your fellow PCs may want to call in favors from the RHC, t
Recuperation (Ex) Fully heal after 8 hrs rest, use 1 power and 1 hr to heal half and restore all non-mythic abilities.
Slashing Grace (Gladius) Treat chosen weapon as 1-handed piercing weapon and can add Dex instead of Str to dam.
Smite Evil (7/day) (Su) +13 to hit, +23 to damage, +13 deflection bonus to AC when used.
Stunning Fist (6/day, DC 33) You can stun an opponent with an unarmed attack.
Surge (1d12) (Su) Use 1 power to increase any d20 roll by the listed amount.
Two-Weapon Fighting [Mythic] As an imm. action, use 1 power to negate all two weapon fighting attack penalties for 10 rds.
Two-Weapon Grace Can gain effects of certain feats limited by free off hand when two weapon fighting.
Unstoppable (Ex) As a free action, use 1 power to end one listed condition on yourself.
Weapon Focus [Mythic, Short sword] 1 MP: As a swift action, add half tier to attack with selected weapon.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.

Much appreciated John.

I'm a bit disheartened now though. Was really looking forward to this one.

HWalsh wrote:

Much appreciated John.

I'm a bit disheartened now though. Was really looking forward to this one.

I'm playing WOTR at the moment (and also playing a paladin). We're now halfway through book 4, 12th level and 6th tier, and it's still proving a challenge.

Our GM is using alternative rules from Legendary Games' Mythic Solutions pdf, which is available for $2.99 from the Paizo store. It identifies many of problems in the mythic rules and proposes alternative rules to improve game balance. You may wish to make your GM aware of it.


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