[Boons] Exo-Guardians - Collector and Examiner [Ruling]

Starfinder Society


I have posted from this character's profile as he's the one I'm looking to use in relation to the above boon.

My query is thus: Moktargarn is a Vesk who refuses to kill. Certainly, he will knock someone around without problem, but he draws the line at killing.

However, this boon clearly states cadaver. If I knock out and manacle a creature, can I use that as fulfilling the cadaver part of the boon?

Obviously this means I cannot use the boon for such things as oozes without some suitable form of non-lethal containment, 'cos manacles won't cut it.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

The boon is pretty explicit that it has to be a cadaver.

However it doesn't say that you have to be the one to kill it. Unless you manage to convince your entire party to use non-lethal weapons all the time, it's quite likely there will be a few corpses to bring back for the Exo-Guardians. (What with the change to how non-lethal works, it requires a lot of effort to knock out NPCs via non-lethal damage without killing them in Starfinder.)

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

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The things "The Examiner" does aren't suitable for living (and unliving undead) creatures. Cadavers are a necessity!

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

You know.... There is a ready source of cadavers presented in one early Starfinder Society adventure. You just have to convice a bunch of ysoki to part with some of their garden’s fertilizer.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

The way nonlethal damage works in Starfinder, your party members are quite likely to produce enough cadavers for you.


Well I have just finished 1-02 with an online group here on the forums and we managed to avoid killing anyone, albeit with some post-combat healing.

However I guess I will have another look at the boons.

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