Medieval / Fantasy / Pathfinder Marvel Hero Character Builds.

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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An idea popped into my head last week that came up again today about playing a PF game re-flavoured as a Marvel fantasy universe. Sort of like the comic 1602 or like this awesome artwork: Order of X

And it got me thinking about characters builds for Marvel heroes. Some are sort of obvious

Captain America as a Brawler with the Shield Champion Archetype

Thor you could probably build a bunch of different ways but I went with Thor as a Warpriest with the Weather and Strength domains.

Others are a bit tougher.

Cyclops possibly a Kineticist with the Elemental Annihilator archetype with a focus on Telekinesis blasts and force might work.

Archangel would be an Assimar to get the wings and at a hight enough level they can become metal as per the feat.

So yeah, curious to hear what everyone's thoughts are on a Marvel campaign and what builds for what characters you would use.

Silver Crusade



Here's a fun one, but requires working with your GM to bend the rules of archetype stacking: Gambit as a card caster, eldritich scion staff magus. You throw cards, use a quarter staff and charisma is one of your main stats. Just requires you to alter your arcane look twice, so not legal as written, but reasonable to stack.

Liberty's Edge

Hawkeye would be a Elven Fighter/Archer.

Red Wolf would be a plains/desert terrain Ranger/Barbarian.

Black Widow would be a Rogue/Assasin. Possibly half-succubus?

The Hulk would be a half-ogre Barbarian.

The Black Knight would be a Cavalier.

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Rysky wrote:

*Waves* hey buddy!

Davic The Grey wrote:
Here's a fun one, but requires working with your GM to bend the rules of archetype stacking: Gambit as a card caster, eldritich scion staff magus. You throw cards, use a quarter staff and charisma is one of your main stats. Just requires you to alter your arcane look twice, so not legal as written, but reasonable to stack.

That's actually a pretty cool combo!

Gyre Glenross wrote:

Hawkeye would be a Elven Fighter/Archer.

Red Wolf would be a plains/desert terrain Ranger/Barbarian.

Black Widow would be a Rogue/Assasin. Possibly half-succubus?

The Hulk would be a half-ogre Barbarian.

The Black Knight would be a Cavalier.

I do love Black knight!

Black Widow yeah totally Rogue/Ninja Spy archetype I think.

Winter Soldier would be a Slayer I'm sure of it. Maybe a dip in Brawler.

Hulk could be a Barbarian for sure.

Iron Man, A Synthesist Summoner/Alchemist.


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