Total Freedom in an Immersive (3D) Adventure


Liberty's Edge

As a master I would like to do such experiment with my players.
An adventure with no predeterminated plot to follow. In which I decide just what events happens around the PC if they doesn't nothing to change the course of events.
An adventure in which every player can decide what to do with it's character. (He wants to spend time in a drug parlor? To work as the castellan factotum? To make a family and build a wooden home? To go to hunt bandits in the forest? To have a carrieer in his village? To travel all over the world? Everything's ok)
Consider that it's not necessary all the PC are togheter all times; we can play separate rounds if they decide to do different things. Ovviously I would like to avoid one is planting trees and growing a family in a village in Andorran and te other killing slavers in Katapesh from ten years.
I would like to make them start as commoners and to make them take new class level gradually, so not leveling up in the classic way, but gradually: when they do something I decide what bonus of the next level they can get.

Consider that a player loves a lot politic intrigues and the rolistic part of game; another interpretation, doing funny or silly things and fightings, the other one rules and fighting.
Consider I'm quite expert as a master and very good in setting creations and improvisation.
(I've already consider to give them some capabilities and background congruences with the classes they'll say me they will like to play)
I would like to set in Avistan, maybe to start in Andoran or a River Kingdoms.
I would like it to be a very long adventure, slowly leveling up, contemporary playing and mastering others.
Thanks a lot to everyone

Liberty's Edge


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